Take advantage of the unparalleled specificity afforded by ion mobility separations and high resolution MS.

See what SYNAPT G2 HDMS can do for your laboratory:

With the SYNAPT® G2 High Definition MS™ System from Waters, you'll explore a dimension of data that was previously unavailable.

Groundbreaking, high efficiency ion mobility separations combined with high resolution MS allow you to look beyond intense peaks and see new components at lower levels. Now, you can separate isomeric compounds for added specificity in critical analyses, and achieve the highest peak capacity for all applications.

Go beyond conventional MS and see what you have been missing:
  • Increase peak capacity: find out what HDMSE can do for your small molecule, proteomics, and glycoform studies.
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  • Isomer/conformer analysis: read about separation of flavonoids, drug complexes, or lipids.
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  • Size/shape determination: measure collision cross sections of drugs and metabolites, analysis of lipids or therapeutic proteins.
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  • Peer reviewed papers: over 90 papers demonstrating proven benefits of HDMS across multiple applications.
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