A CRO Leads the Way for Biotherapeutics Amid its Own ‘Field of Dreams’

A CRO Leads the Way for Biotherapeutics Amid its Own ‘Field of Dreams’

“If You Build it, He Will Come” Urged on by a voice no one else could hear, Ray Kinsella, played by Kevin Costner in the movie Field of Dreams, cleared a few acres of corn to build a baseball field. Shortly after, magical things began to happen. When you first set eyes on the headquarters…

Analytical Tools for Developing Biosimilars: Part 3, Glycosylation, Aggregation, and Charge Variants

Analytical Tools for Developing Biosimilars: Part 3, Glycosylation, Aggregation, and Charge Variants

In biotherapeutics, the state of glycosylation has a direct and pronounced effect of the structure, stability, serum half-life, immunogeneicity and bioactivity of the molecule, and constitutes a critical quality attribute (CQA). In our study, characterizing and comparing the glycosylation profile of infliximab began by examining the glycosylation profiles from intact and reduced subunit mass data.

How Analytical Technologies Support the Development of Biosimilar Drugs

How Analytical Technologies Support the Development of Biosimilar Drugs

Advancements in High-Resolution Analytics for the Characterization of Innovator and Biosimilar Therapeutics As the pharmaceutical industry continues to evolve its focus from small-molecule drugs to balanced product portfolios that include protein therapeutics, analytical chemists are increasingly challenged to produce routine and automated characterization workflows that move innovator and biosimilar biopharmaceutical products forward through development and…