NuGenesis SDMS

NuGenesis SDMS

Unite your labs, researchers, and instruments 

Unite your labs, researchers, and instruments 

The amount of experimental data generated by analytical laboratories is increasing exponentially, given today’s technological advances. The ability to collect, process, and distribute data is fundamental to the long-term success of science-driven organizations.

NuGenesis Scientific Data Management System (SDMS), the automated data repository and foundation of the NuGenesis Lab Management System (LMS), optimizes scientific data management for hundreds of companies around the world. NuGenesis SDMS helps manage data to meet a variety of standards including GLP, GxP, cGMP, and 21 CFR Part 11; Sarbanes-Oxley; EPA’s Cross-Media Electronic Reporting and Record-Keeping Rule (CROMERRR).

NuGenesis SDMS automatically imports diverse data generated by instruments, scientists, and outside sources into a centralized data repository. This information can easily be searched, reviewed, communicated, and shared among scientists and team members. The instant accessibility of this information results in stronger collaboration, more efficient operations, better decision making, and ultimately, accelerated product development and delivery.

Waters Software and Network Compliance Services accelerate your new system deployment. NuGenesis SDMS


  • Manage the entire data lifecycle
  • Capture all of your data from instruments and scientists
  • Catalog according to your protocols and projects
  • Find and view critical data in seconds
  • Send selected data to NuGenesis LMS and other software like Microsoft Office, LIMS, or ERP

Recommended Use: For automatically importing diverse data generated by instruments, scientists, and external sources into a centralized data repository.

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Capture and archive data for long-term storage

NuGenesis SDMS allows scientific data generated in your laboratory to be accurately and automatically captured, indexed, and securely stored in a compliance-ready environment immediately after its creation or change. With NuGenesis SDMS, you can manage:

  • Print data, including the actual content of instrument generated reports
  • Raw instrument data, such as spectra and chromatograms
  • Document files and printed reports from scientific and business applications
  • Content generated by a variety of operating systems, including Microsoft Windows and UNIX
  • Data converted to vendor-neutral and internationally standardized data-exchange formats, including IUPAC JCAMP-DX
  • Long-term data retention, retirement, and legal hold

Find, retrieve, and repurpose information

NuGenesis SDMS scans servers, projects, and data types for any new content and automatically extracts metadata during capture. A database catalog is built during this process, so you can quickly and easily search across servers, projects, and data types.

Retrieve and view information according to a variety of data types, and restore results to their original applications. You can also reuse information for manual reviews or calculations or automate this process using tools and templates configured within the software. With the sophisticated search filters and retrieval tools in NuGenesis SDMS, you can:

  • Find any text included in printed reports, graphs, tables, or charts
  • View multiple reports from disparate sources simultaneously
  • View analytical data instantly in several formats - without the source applications
  • Apply electronic signatures, annotations, and attach additional files to the records
  • Restore instrument data for further analysis easily and efficiently

Collaborate electronically with colleagues

NuGenesis SDMS dynamically links reports, instrument, and interpreted data so you can collaborate electronically with colleagues. Select text, tabular, or graphics data from reports and send it to NuGenesis LMS or other applications to create summary reports or for scientific collaborations and retain access to source data, through traceable hyperlinks automatically embedded within the data.

Seamlessly integrate with existing systems

NuGenesis SDMS provides a single interface to all your instrument software and data exporting sources and works both independently or in conjunction with existing systems, such as LIMS, ERP, ELNs, specialized analytics applications, and visualization programs. Fully configurable, NuGenesis SDMS scales from a single laboratory to a global enterprise without major modifications to your existing IT infrastructure.

Bridge the documentation and workflow gap

NuGenesis Connectors are configurable utilities that provide a bidirectional link between your laboratory instruments and business systems applications like SAP. This link facilitates seamless communication of information including test requests, standard operating procedures (SOPs), product specifications, and test results. With NuGenesis Connectors, you can:

  • Reduce paper processes and manual transcription
  • Achieve comprehensive documentation and data traceability
  • More easily share data and collaborate
  • Minimize waste and variability during quality testing
  • Generate standard and customized analytical reports
  • More quickly release in-spec products 

Vendor-independent analytical data viewer

NuGenesis SDMS includes Waters InSpector Software – a vendor-independent data viewer that enables clear, consistent visualization, and sharing of analytical information. View data from commonly used techniques (e.g., optical spectroscopy, NMR, MS, and chromatography) on your computer desktop.

Key analytical features of InSpector Software include:

  • View all kinds of analytical data, from single spectra to 3D data (not just images)
  • Supported techniques include NMR, MS, LC-MS, IR, UV/Vis, fluorescence, chromatography and hyphenated experiments, and chemical structures









Support the entire lab workflow from discovery to manufacturing with Waters NuGenesis Lab Management System, combining Empower SDMS, CDS, and Sample Management technologies.

For advanced laboratory data management, including acquisition, processing and reporting for liquid and gas chromatography instruments, equip your lab with the Empower Chromatography Data System (CDS).

Software for MS and MS/MS analysis. Easy-to-use instrument controls and software features simplify interaction with your MS system and improve laboratory productivity.

Empower, MassLynx, NuGenesis, and UNIFI Software Plans provide you with the latest updates, telephone support, and exclusive access to tips, techniques, and technical notes to protect your software investment.
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