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SKU: 176001740
Carbamate Analysis Kit

Kit de Análise de Carbamato | 176001740

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Descrição do(s) produto(s)

Waters Carbamate Analysis Kit includes a Waters Carbamate column, Oasis HLB cartridges, vials and Reference Standards. Optimized for use with EPA Method 531.2, these products simplify your analysis while increasing your confidence in the results. Carbamate Column – designed and tested for high sensitivity and excellent Resolution, specified as the primary column for EPA Method 531.2; Oasis HLB Cartridges – for sample cleanup and concentration to ensure maximum sensitivity; Vials – certified to be clean and free of background contamination in order to provide optimized analysis; Carbamate Reference Standards – for both drinking water and wastewater, these reference materials increase the level of confidence in your results.




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    Kits para aplicações

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