SKU: 186009612
Tip Insertion System Domino

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Descrição do(s) produto(s)

The Tip Insertion System Domino is a versatile system capable of holding a removable rack of 96x Sartorius OptiFit tips for volumes ranging from 0.2µL-1200µL. It's force-dispensing design enables even tip insertion across all channels of 8-channel pipettes.Dominos are machine-readable consumable holders that create the interface between a variety of different consumable types and the Andrew+ pipetting robot to enable seamless automation of many different laboratory workflows. Equipped with QR codes housing critical labware information and ARUCO codes for spatial positioning, Dominos are an indispensable part of any Andrew+ automation configuration. See our Domino and Device+ labware compatibility catalog to learn more about which pieces of labware you can automate your workflows with.




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