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SKU: 186003864
MassPREP Phosphopeptide Enrichment Kit

MassPREP PhosphoPeptídeo Kit de Enriquecimento | 186003864

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Descrição do(s) produto(s)

MassPREP™ Phosphopeptide Enrichment Kit, developed for selective enrichment of phosphopeptides from complex samples, includes a 96-well micro-scale solid-phase extraction (SPE) plate packed with an affinity sorbent. The kit also includes a unique chemical (Enhancer™) that can be added to further improve the selectivity of phosphopeptides. In contrast to currently popular immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) technology, this isolation method dos not requirepre-loading the sorbent with metal chelator. This phosphopeptide enrichment protocol is simplified. The robustness of this method is provided by the sorbent that has high native affinity towards phosphopeptides and the Enhancer™ which yields superior selectivity of the sorbent towards phosphopeptides.




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    Kits para aplicações

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