SKU: 186010106
RapiZyme Trypsin, MS Grade, 1/pk

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Descrição do(s) produto(s)

RapiZyme™ Trypsin, Mass Spectrometry (MS) Grade yields quicker, cleaner, more complete, and easily interpretable protein digestions. RapiZyme trypsin is novel in that it is extensively dimethylated at lysine residues leading to inordinately high resistance to autolysis. RapiZyme trypsin can be used at comparatively high concentrations to achieve faster digestions without problematic contaminating autolysis peaks.
RapiZyme trypsin is a chemically optimized recombinant trypsin. Because it is not animal derived, it is free of contaminating chymotrypsin, does not require treatment with L-(tosylamido-2-phenyl) ethyl chloromethyl ketone (TPCK) inhibitors, and thus is free from non-specific digestion associated challenges.  RapiZyme trypsin is provided in 100 µg quantities and is lyophilized with an LC-MS compatible additive to improve its stability and vial recovery while maintaining high activity upon reconstitution.
Overall, robust activity, stability and selectivity makes RapiZyme trypsin an industry-leading protease available for high quality protein digestions.


  • Detection Method

    MS, Optical, UV

  • Formulation


  • Storage Condition

    -20C +/- 10C (Freezer)

  • Equipamento


  • Shelf Life

    24 Months

  • Shelf life upon reconstitution

    1 Month

  • Shipping Condition

    Cold Chain

  • Mass

    100 µg/vial



  • Aplicação

    Digestão de proteínas

  • Marca


  • Tipo de produto


  • Units per Package

    1 pk

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