• Applikationsbericht

Paraquat and Diquat in Tap Water

Paraquat and Diquat in Tap Water

  • Waters Corporation

This is an Application Brief and does not contain a detailed Experimental section.


This application brief highlights the analysis of paraquat and diquat in tap water. 


Paraquat and diquat are quaternary ammonium herbicides used in great quantities worldwide for defoliation and weed control (see Figure 1). In the United States alone, paraquat use was 4 million pounds and diquat use was 20,000 pounds in 2002. Because these compounds are potentially toxic to wildlife and to humans, water samples are monitored to assure that residue levels meet safety standards.


HPLC Method


Symmetry C18, 3.9 x 150 mm, 5 μm (p/n: WAT046980)

Mobile phase:

25 mM Octanesulfonate, pH 3.0/methanol 45:55

Flow rate:

0.75 mL/min

Injection volume:

80 μL


200 mL spiked tap water processed on Oasis MCX cartridge


UV @ 227 nm

Results and Discussion

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WA31763.120, June 2003

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