• Note d'application

Aflatoxins in Peanuts

Aflatoxins in Peanuts

  • YU Yanbin
  • WAN Shuwei
  • TAN Peigong
  • WANG Xiaogang
  • MIAO Zaijing
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Qingdao
  • Environmental Protection Agency, Qingdao
  • Waters Corporation

This is an Application Brief and does not contain a detailed Experimental section.


This application brief describes the analysis of alfatoxins in peanuts.


This application brief describes the analysis of alfatoxins in peanuts.



1. Add 5 g of sodium hydroxide to 20 g of homogenized sample, followed by 30 mL of n-hexane.

2. Add 100 mL 60% aqueous methanol and homogenize.

3. Ultrasonicate for 30 minutes.

4. Filter sample through 15 cm filter paper.

5. Take 1 mL aliquot from 60% methanol layer for SPE cleanup.

SPE Procedure

LC Conditions


Alliance HPLC 2695 System


Symmetry Shield RP18, 4.6 x 150 mm, 5 μm

Flow rate of iodine:

0.2 mL

Flow rate:

1 mL/min

Mobile phase:

A. methanol

B. water

Isocratic gradient:

35% A: 65% B, for 20 minutes

Column temperature:

30 °C

Derivatization temp.:

80 °C

Excitation wavelength:

365 nm

Emission wavelength:

455 nm

Post-column derivatizaton reagent:

Dissolve 200 mg iodine in 10 mL methanol, top up 1000 mL with water


2475 Multi Wavelength Fluorescence

Results and Discussion

Matrix interference is greatly reduced when sample is cleaned up by using Oasis HLB SPE cartridge. 
Results of B1, B2, G1, G2 in peanuts (n=5) 

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720002584, April 2008

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