MassLynx High-Resolution Applications 

MassLynx High-Resolution Applications 

Fully characterize your samples with Waters high-resolution mass spectrometry

Fully characterize your samples with Waters high-resolution mass spectrometry

As the power of high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) allows today’s labs to obtain high quality data, the challenge is then to confidently identify and characterize components of interest.

Waters MassLynx Applications enable your lab to efficiently process and interpret HRMS data sets – whether your samples are biological, chemical, environmental, or pharmaceutical, we have a solution that meet your needs, whether it's based on gas chromatography (GC-MS) or liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS).

Identify and characterize all of your lab samples with MassLynx High-Resolution Applications from Waters MassLynx MS Software solutions. MassLynx High-Resolution Applications


  • Rapidly identify metabolites with MetaboLynx XS
  • Achieve confident structural elucidation with MassFragment
  • Automate the processing of LC-MS, GC-MS, LC-MS/MS, or GC-MS/MS data with ChromaLynx
  • Meet quantitative and qualitative proteomics research requirements with ProteinLynx Global Server (PLGS)

Recommended Use: For identifying and characterizing data acquired using high-resolution mass spectrometry.

MassLynx High-Resolution Applications

MassLynx High-Resolution Applications

  • Interactive analysis software for interpreting biopolymer HRMS data, including protein/peptide and nucleic acid characterization.

  • Automate the processing of LC-MS, GC-MS, LC-MS/MS, or GC-MS/MS data for the detection, identification, and semi-quantitative determination of components in complex mixtures.

  • MassFragment is a chemically intelligent structure elucidation tool for the structural assignment of product ions of your known chemical structures.

MetaboLynx XS
  • Rapidly detects the peaks in your LC-MS and LC-MS/MS sample analysis resulting from in vitro or in vivo biotransformation.

ProteinLynx Global Server
  • An informatics platform for quantitative and qualitative proteomics research and the central analytical platform for Waters proteomics systems.

Analyze biopolymers with BioLynx

  • BioLynx is a biopolymer interactive analysis software for protein/peptide and nucleic acid oligomer interpretation
  • The application manager includes Oligonucleotide Sequencer for interpreting oligonucleotide sequences, Protein/Peptide Editor and Nucleic Acid Editor for editing amino acids or nucleic acids sequences and calculating composition from mass and the PepSeq interactive de novo peptide sequencing tool for finding tags and database searching

Automate data processing with ChromaLynx XS

  • ChromaLynx XS simplifies complex mixture analysis by automating the processing of LC-MS, GC-MS, LC-MS/MS, or GC-MS/MS data
  • The software efficiently annotates of common and unique components, boosting productivity during data review

Achieve confident structural elucidation with MassFragment

  • MassFragment is a chemically intelligent structural elucidation tool
  • The software works by suggesting structures to your observed fragment ions of small molecule compounds, drugs, and/or metabolites 
  • MassFragment is supported in MetaboLynx XS

Achieve rapid metabolite identification with MetaboLynx XS

  •  MetaboLynx XS automates metabolite identification and accelerates data interpretation
  • Advanced mass defect filters (MDF) enable the analyst to concentrate on unexpected metabolites and include the structural elucidation capabilities of MassFragment
  • When further integration is required, MetaboLynx XS generates and executes method files for automated MS/MS verification of metabolite assignments

Achieve quantitative and qualitative proteomics research with PLGS

  • PLGS is a fully integrated platform for proteomics research, enabling users to identify proteins in complex mixtures using MSe, HDMSe and SONAR data independent acquisition (DIA) modes acquired on Waters quadrupole time-of-flight (QTof) instruments
  • PLGS offers automated workflows for high-throughput data processing and interpretation
  • Results are presented in a format more easily explained and understood than probability-based scoring schemes, minimizing the occurrence of false positive results
  • Results can easily be exported to mzIdentML format for upload to online data repositories prior to publication

Deconvoluting electrospray data with MaxEnt

  • MaxEnt is an advanced maximum entropy based tool for deconvoluting electrospray mass spectra
  • In spectral deconvolution, each component is represented as a single peak on a true molecular mass scale, allowing for simpler and more meaningful interpretation while retaining quantitative information
  • Waters offer two MaxEnt tools to aid interpretation of multiply charged continuum data: MaxEnt 1 for intact proteins, and MaxEnt 3 for intact and MS/MS spectra of smaller biomolecules







Software for MS and MS/MS analysis. Easy-to-use instrument controls and software features simplify interaction with your MS system and improve laboratory productivity.

Perform open access, walk-up targeted MS analyses for LC-UV, LC-MS instruments with MassLynx Mass Detection Applications, OpenLynx Open Access and FractionLynx, and TargetLynx XS.

Perform quantitative mass spectrometry analysis with MassLynx Quantitation Applications, mass spec software offerings include TargetLynx XS, Quanpedia, QCMonitor, QuanOptimize, TrendPlot, and MassLynx Skyline Interface.

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