As biopharmaceutical organizations explore the use of bio-conjugates and ADCs as a class of cancer therapies, significant challenges are found in analyzing their complex, heterogeneous structures. Waters provides solutions for these unique analytical challenges by facilitating assessment of many important Critical Quality Attributes (CQAs) including determination of drug-to-antibody ratios (DAR) even at low levels, using Reversed Phase (RP) or Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HIC) columns, aggregation and fragmentation using Size Exclusion (SEC) columns, and sites of conjugation using PeptideWorks Tryptic Protein Digestion Kits for peptide mapping among others.
Our comprehensive column offerings include:
Whether you are analyzing lysine-conjugated ADCs seeking to minimize secondary interactions between ADCs and column hardware, or looking to overcome other data quality challenges, Waters has the right column technology to consistently and reliably perform your bioseparations.
Waters MaxPeak Premier Columns enable scientists to have more control over their chromatographic separations with the inclusion of MaxPeak High Performance Surfaces (HPS) Technology. As an example, when separation of proteins occurs by size in solution, secondary interactions can occur causing sample loss, broader peaks, and inaccurate quantitation of aggregates. MaxPeak High Performance Surface Technology was developed utilizing Ethylene Bridged Hybrid (BEH) SEC particles with high coverage hydroxy-terminated polyethylene oxide (PEO) and are exceptionally bioinert for more accurate data. These minimize hydrophobic interactions that cause secondary interactions providing outstanding peak shape and consistent quantification.
Available in 1.7 µm (ACQUITY Premier Columns), 2.5 µm (XBridge Premier Columns, XSelect Premier Columns), and select BioResolve Premier Columns ≤ 3 µm particle sizes and formats gain the expected the chromatographic performance, flexibility, and assurance from Waters trusted particle technologies.
Waters PeptideWorks Tryptic Protein Digestion Kits for manual or automated workflows uniquely provide your lab with high efficiency, reproducible peptide maps in under 2.5 hours—4x faster than average home-brew methods. Achieve 30-minute digestions with a 1:5 enzyme:peptide ratio, 78% reduction in missed cleavages, and a 98% reduction in contaminated autolysis peaks. PeptideWorks is ideal for drug conjugation site determination, protein structural characterization, protein identification, and protein modification monitoring including post-translation modifications.
Re-imagine a streamlined, fast, and highly sensitive way to profile N-glycans on ADCs with the GlycoWorks Kit. Achieve unprecedented fluorescent and mass spectrometric performance for released N-glycan analysis while maximizing productivity with a solution that is automatable on Waters Andrew+ Pipetting Robot. With just 3 easy steps in as little as 30 minutes, the GlycoWorks RapiFluor-MS N-Glycan Kit reduces complicated, time-consuming sample preparation.
Simplify and accelerate protein digestion with ProteinWorks eXpress Digest Kits. Pre-measured, lot-traceable reagents and standardized protocols for accurate, precise, and sensitive LC-MS quantification of proteins, including ADCs, in plasma and serum. Achieve unmatched performance and flexibility for reproducible protein digestion with kits optimized for various workflows, including protein bioanalysis/DMPK.
Use of available and cost effective MaxPeak Premier Protein SEC 250 Å Guards help extend your analytical SEC column life without degrading desired separated component resolution or compromising required size variant separations.