ProteinWorks eXpress Digest Kit

제품 번호: 176003689
ProteinWorks eXpress Digest Kit

단백질Works eXpress 소화 키트 | 176003689

맞춤화 견적으로 간소화된 구매 프로세스

맞춤화 견적으로 간소화된 구매 프로세스

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제품 설명

"The ProteinWorks eXpress Digest Start-up Kit simplifies and accelerates the direct digestion of immunopurified plasma & serum samples for LC-MS protein quantification via the surrogate peptide approach. The kit includes pre-measured, lot-traceable reagents, a flexible 96-tube sample collection module, and optimized protocols, offering scientists a standardized, proven route to fast, accurate and precise protein quantification for protein bioanalysis. The ProteinWorks eXpress Digest Start-up Kit contains: (96) Denaturant* Cluster Tubes, Cap Mat & Rack for low protein content samples (~0.2 - 1.0 mg total protein per sample) (12) 8-Strip Caps for Cluster tubes (1) Digestion Buffer (1) Trypsin Dissolving Agent (1) Digestion Inactivation Agent (3) Reduction Agent vials. Each vial is enough for 32 samples (3) Alkylation Agent vials. Each vial is enough for 32 samples (1) Trypsin for low protein content samples (~0.2 - 1.0 mg total protein per sample) *The denaturant is RapiGest™ SF, an enzyme friendly detergent used to denature proteins prior to digestion. For more information on RapiGest SF, see 720000468en."


  • Number of Analysis


  • Type

    Sample Preparation Workflow

  • Packages per kit


  • Separation Mode


  • Detection Method


  • Storage Condition

    Refer to the storage recommendations of each sub-package

  • 시스템 유형


  • Shelf Life

    Refer to the storage recommendations of each sub-package



  • 응용

    펩타이드, 단백질

  • 브랜드


  • 제품 유형

    응용 키트

  • Units per Package

    1 pk

제품 지원



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