AccQTag Ultra Cell Culture Starter Kit

제품 번호: 176004542
AccQ-Tag Hydrolysates Chemistry Kit - Automation

맞춤화 견적으로 간소화된 구매 프로세스

맞춤화 견적으로 간소화된 구매 프로세스

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제품 설명

This chemistry kit contains all consumables needed for amino acid analysis on automation platforms after protein/peptide hydrolysis is completed. The kit can be purchased as a start or refill kit.  
The kit includes:
AccQTag Ultra Column 2.1 X 100mm, 186003837   x 1
AccQTag Ultra Eluent A (950mL), 186003838     x 1
AccQTag Ultra Eluent B (950mL),186003839     x 1
AccQTag Ultra Derivatization Kit – Automation, 96 analysis, 186009232   x 5
Amino Acid Internal Standard-Norvaline, 186009301     x 1
Amino Acid Standard, WAT088122   x 1
96-well Sample Collection Plate, 800 µL Round well, 50/pk, 186002481   x 1
Cap mat, 5/pk, 186006332   x1


  • Type

    Sample Preparation Workflow

  • Separation Mode


  • Shelf Life

    Refer to the storage recommendations of each sub-package



  • 응용


  • 브랜드

    AccQ-Tag Ultra

  • 제품 유형

    고처리량 키트

제품 지원



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