Andrew Alliance Pipette Plus Picus 8 1200

제품 번호: 186009615
8-channel Andrew Alliance Pipette, 50-1200 µL

맞춤화 견적으로 간소화된 구매 프로세스

맞춤화 견적으로 간소화된 구매 프로세스

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제품 설명

Andrew Alliance Bluetooth Electronic 8-channel Pipettes provide accurate and precise pipetting for use with Andrew+ the pipetting robot, Pipette+ guided pipetting system or manual pipetting. Based on the Sartorius Picus Pipette, the ergonomic and lightweight design helps protect users from repetitive strain injuries by ensuring an optimal working posture and comfortable pipetting.  Fully electronic operation reduces variability between users. Bluetooth capability allows two-way communication with pipettes, when used with Andrew+ or Pipette+, and OneLab enabling remote programming of pipettes with the added advantage of pipetting traceability. Additional features of the Andrew Alliance Bluetooth Electronic Pipette, 8-channel, 50-1200 μL include:
- Intuitive user interface
- Autoclavable lower parts (except for 1200 μL multi-channel lower parts)
- Optiload for perfect tip sealing
- Optimized pipetting modes for multi-dispensing, multi-aspiration, reverse pipetting, mixing and more
- Safe-cone filters in all models >10 μL to prevent contamination


  • Volume Range

    50-1200 μL

  • Number of Channels


  • Volume Increment

    1 μL

  • System Compatibility

    Andrew+, Pipette+

  • Software Compatibility


  • OneLab Reference Number




  • 브랜드

    Andrew Alliance

  • 제품 유형


  • Units per Package

    1 pk

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