제품 번호: 186005523
96-Flangeless SPE Cartridge Holder

96-Flangeless SPE 카트리지 홀더 | 186005523

맞춤화 견적으로 간소화된 구매 프로세스

맞춤화 견적으로 간소화된 구매 프로세스

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제품 설명

The Waters Positive Pressure-96 Processor provides the means to batch process Waters 1 cc 96 flangeless SPE cartridges. Waters 96-flangeless SPE Cartridge holder is designed to hold up to 96 1cc flangeless SPE cartridges, and to fit into the 96-position footprint of the manifold. The cartridge and holder assembly is then stacked onto the appropriate collection plate.




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  • Units per Package

    1 pk

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