BioResolve Premier Columns

BioResolve Premier Columns

Fast, reproducible results for bioprocessing, drug discovery, and drug development applications

Fast, reproducible results for bioprocessing, drug discovery, and drug development applications

With BioResolve Premier Columns, your lab can achieve fast analysis for large biomolecules, like monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), with columns that are ideal for rapid identification of clones, faster analysis, and real-time insights of mAb critical quality attributes.

Also ideal for drug discovery and mass spectrometry labs, BioResolve Premier Columns are available in short and ultra short, high-throughput configurations for faster chromatography that meet your lab’s unique requirements.

BHigh Throughput BioResolve Premier ColumnioResolve Premier RP mAb Polyphenyl column High Throughput BioResolve Premier Column BioResolve Premier Columns



  • Quickly analyze large biomolecules, including monoclonal antibodies (mAbs)
  • Integrate fast, reproducible column technology into the workflow for efficient reversed phase and ion exchange protein analysis
  • Reduce analyte/surface interactions with MaxPeak High Performance Surfaces
  • Choose from high-throughput configurations for faster chromatography in upstream and downstream bioprocessing

Recommended Use: For faster reversed-phase (RP) and ion exchange (IEX) chromatography where high throughput is desired, including upstream and downstream bioprocessing, for drug discovery and mass spectrometry labs. 

Faster chromatography for high-throughput applications

BioResolve Premier Columns deliver fast analysis for large biomolecules, including monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), and are ideal for the rapid identification of clones and faster analysis for real-time insights of mAb critical quality attributes. Available in reversed phase (RP) and strong cation exchange (SCX) chemistries for high throughput applications, your lab can achieve fast chromatography with excellent performance.

See and do more by reducing analyte/surface interactions

MaxPeak Premier High Performance Surfaces (HPS) Technology takes the sensitivity of BioResolve Premier Columns to the next level. See and do more by reducing analyte/surface interactions for more reproducible results. With MaxPeak Premier HPS, you increase analyte recovery and obtain a better peak shape for greater confidence in your results.




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Achieve increases in sensitivity and analyte recovery while reducing column passivation time and mitigating unwanted analyte/surface interactions with ACQUITY Premier Columns.

Streamline analytical challenges associated with mAb characterizations and associated biotherapeutic drug separations with Waters BioResolve Columns and consumables.

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