SunFire Columns

SunFire Columns

Superior mass loading at low pH

Superior mass loading at low pH

High efficiency at a low pH can be challenging. Waters SunFire HPLC Columns, available in analytical and preparative dimensions, help you do just that with state-of-the-art bonded silica designed for high mass loading, excellent low pH stability, superior peak shapes, and high efficiency.

SunFire Analytical Columns are available in 2.5 µm to 10 µm particle sizes across two reversed-phase column chemistries, C18 and C8, sure to meet your silica-based HPLC column requirements. For preparative applications, in addition to the C18 and C8 chemistries, SunFire silica is offered in 5 and 10 µm particle sizes for preparative normal-phase purification.

Waters SunFire HPLC Column Family SunFire Columns



  • Exceptional loading capacity for both analytical and preparative columns
  • Excellent low pH stability for longer lifetimes
  • Superior peak shapes for faster and easier integration
  • Low mass spectral (MS) bleed, for enhanced analyte MS signal
  • Seamless scalability from analytical to optimum bed density (OBD) preparative columns

Recommended Use: For increased mass loading with excellent column stability.

SunFire Column Chemistries

SunFire Column Chemistries

SunFire C18 Columns
  • General purpose silica column
  • High efficiency for acids, bases, neutrals
  • High efficiency
  • Mass Spectrometry (MS) compatible
  • Excellent low pH stability

General Purpose USP L1 column. Reversed-phase column with increased retention of acids, bases, and neutrals. Superior peak shape simplifies peak integrations.

SunFire C8 Columns
  • General purpose silica column
  • Ideal for strongly hydrophobic compounds
  • High efficiency
  • MS compatible
  • Excellent low pH stability

General purpose USP L7 column. Provides improved peak shapes and less retention for strongly hydrophobic compounds.

SunFire Silica Columns*
  • High efficiency, equivalent to analytical columns
  • Excellent scale-up capability
  • Low column backpressures
  • Long column lifetime
  • Excellent low pH stability

Preparative normal-phase silica columns that provide an alternative selectivity to reversed phase separations. Optimal Bed Density (OBD) hardware enhances column stability and increases column lifetimes.

*Preparative columns only.

Exceptional analytical separation

Waters SunFire HPLC Columns provide symmetrical peak shapes for improved resolution. With proprietary bonding and endcapping technologies, they offer exceptional efficiency for acid, neutral, and basic compounds at low and intermediate pH ranges. Waters SunFire Columns are packed with state-of-the-art silica particles available in C18 and C8 chemistries for high efficiency, resulting in greater sensitivity. SunFire HPLC Columns are compatible with mass spectrometry applications, providing sharp peaks, high sensitivity, large peak capacities, and very low bleed. Column lifetime is improved through superior low pH stability compared to many silica HPLC column brands.

Superior batch-to-batch reproducibility

In establishing new analytical methods for the latest pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical products, reproducible HPLC column selection is essential. The selected column needs to provide the same chromatographic results over the life of the method and the new drug product. SunFire HPLC Columns have demonstrated superior reproducibility over many years. Batches randomly selected over the past 4 years show excellent reproductivity.

Reliable preparative column performance

The OBD design used in SunFire Columns delivers the most reliable and consistent preparative column performance. SunFire Preparative OBD Columns ensure equivalent chromatographic performance from analytical to preparative dimensions, eliminating the need for subsequent method re-development. SunFire Preparative Particles and columns are manufactured in a cGMP environment, under tight synthesis and column packing controls, ensuring accurate scale-up capability. SunFire Preparative OBD Columns exhibit optimum column efficiencies and lifetime through extended usage of over 1000 DMSO injections.

Stay compliant with smart column options

Ideal for compliant laboratories, smart column options are available for identifying and tracking column information. The eCord is a data recording device which is permanently attached to the column body of 2.x µm particle size (2.1 and 3.0 mm internal diameter) and ACQUITY UPLC columns and is standard for those column offerings. Rather, the eConnect column tag is a permanently attached electronic tag device for HPLC columns (3 µm particles) used with Alliance iS HPLC System that is optional. Data from column devices (eCord device or eConnect column tag) can be accessed using the respective system’s console. These smart-column abilities provide a quick overview of column history and can be utilized as a basic troubleshooting tool. Data residing on these devices are automatically imported by and later searchable via Empower CDS.




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Prolong analytical column lifetime while maintaining chromatographic performance with VanGuard Pre-columns and cartridges.

Reduce failed assays with Waters glass and plastic autosampler vials and high sample recovery vials - certified/tested by HPLC, GC, and MS.

Ensure peak LC and LC-MS column and system performance by benchmarking with Waters Quality Control Reference Materials, a portfolio of ready-to-use standards and mixes.

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