Medicolegal Testing

Medicolegal Testing

With Waters total toxicology and drug testing solutions for a variety of relevant sample matrices, including urine, blood, and hair, your toxicology lab can feel confident in your results when presenting in a court of law.

With Waters total toxicology and drug testing solutions for a variety of relevant sample matrices, including urine, blood, and hair, your toxicology lab can feel confident in your results when presenting in a court of law.

Doctor holding Urine sample in laboratory
Doctor holding Urine sample in laboratory


Medicolegal testing is a part of the forensic field that assists work across both the legal and scientific divisions to determine the cause and manner of death in postmortem cases. Court-ordered and workplace drug testing are important to ensure that individuals adhere to legal and government-issued requests. With total toxicology solutions from Waters, your lab will get the comprehensive solutions, service, and support you need for all your medicolegal testing concerns.


Court ordered drug testing is important to ensure individuals are adhering to probation and other legal requirements. Learn about Waters expertise with drug testing methods in various matrices with these application notes.

Court ordered drug testing is important to ensure individuals are adhering to probation and other legal requirements. Learn about Waters expertise with drug testing methods in various matrices with these application notes.

Application Notes

Application Notes


Waters LC-MS/MS solutions provide exceptional performance, ease of use, and robust data for drug panels.

Waters LC-MS/MS solutions provide exceptional performance, ease of use, and robust data for drug panels.

Complex chromatography challenges, solved

Complex chromatography challenges, solved

The combination of ACQUITY UPLC I-Class PLUS System with Waters line of mass spectrometry provides the highest chromatography resolution for accurate quantitation in routine drug analysis.

  • Clinical and Forensic
  • Environmental Toxicology and Forensics

Robust high-performance for routine analysis

Robust high-performance for routine analysis

Achieve exceptional performance, delivering ease of use and robust high-quality data in a small footprint for a tandem quadrupole mass spectrometer.

  • Clinical and Forensic
  • Environmental Toxicology and Forensics

Absolute performance for the most challenging applications

Absolute performance for the most challenging applications

Achieve and maintain high performance and productivity with significantly increased sensitivity for negative ionizing compounds with our compact, sustainable tandem quadrupole mass spectrometer.

  • Clinical and Forensic
  • Environmental Toxicology and Forensics

Complete coverage for confident screening

Complete coverage for confident screening

Xevo G3 QTof brings the power of accurate mass and versatility of high-resolution mass spectrometry to the forensic toxicology laboratory for targeted and non-targeted screening analysis.

  • Clinical and Forensic
  • Environmental Toxicology and Forensics

Waters LC-MS/MS software solutions provide exceptional performance, ease of use, and robust data for medicolegal testing.

Waters LC-MS/MS software solutions provide exceptional performance, ease of use, and robust data for medicolegal testing.

A complete mass spectrometry software solution

A complete mass spectrometry software solution

Waters MassLynx Mass Spectrometry Software includes easy-to-use software for mass spectrometry (MS), liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS), and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) analysis.

  • Clinical and Forensic
  • Court ordered testing
  • Workplace drug testing

Automate your data processing for quantitative results

Automate your data processing for quantitative results

The TargetLynx XS Application Manager automates your lab’s sample data, processing, and reporting for quantitative results.

  • Clinical and Forensic
  • Court ordered testing
  • Workplace drug testing

Improve productivity during data review

Improve productivity during data review

ChromaLynx Software efficiently annotates common and unique components in LC-MS, GC-MS, LC-MS/MS, or GC-MS/MS data, boosting productivity during data review.

  • Clinical and Forensic
  • Court ordered testing
  • Workplace drug testing

Delivering connected science for your lab evolution

Delivering connected science for your lab evolution

Explore, discover, and push the boundaries of how your forensic lab uses information, producing faster, and richer scientific and business outcomes with waters_connect Software Solutions.

  • Clinical and Forensic
  • Court ordered testing
  • Workplace drug testing

Quality consumables to support your complex matrices

Quality consumables to support your complex matrices

Oasis Sample Extraction Products and Ostro Protein Precipitation Plates

Oasis Sample Extraction Products and Ostro Protein Precipitation Plates

Ensure reliable quantitation and identification of performance enhancing drugs with Waters line of consumables solutions, ideal for improving method reliability and productivity for routine drug analysis.

Ostro Protein Precipitation Plates

Ostro Protein Precipitation Plates

Oasis HLB uElution or Prime HLB Plates

Oasis HLB uElution or Prime HLB Plates

Oasis MCX uElution or Prime MCX Plates

Oasis MCX uElution or Prime MCX Plates

Ideal for whole blood or plasma samples

Ideal for whole blood or plasma samples

Ideal for whole blood or plasma samples

Ideal for whole blood or plasma samples

Ideal for whole blood or plasma samples

Ideal for urine comprehensive panel

Ideal for urine comprehensive panel

Ideal for urine comprehensive panel

Ideal for urine comprehensive panel

Ideal for urine comprehensive panel

Low sample volumes

Low sample volumes

Low sample volumes

Low sample volumes

Low sample volumes

Increase speed, sensitivity, and resolution without compromising data integrity

Increase speed, sensitivity, and resolution without compromising data integrity

With Waters ACQUITY UPLC Columns, your lab can increase sample throughput, achieve unmatched resolution, and improve analyte sensitivity while meeting method requirements and reducing analysis time and cost-per-sample.

The data speaks for itself

The data speaks for itself
A) Integrated MRM chromatograms for the quantifier (upper), qualifier (middle), and internal standard (lower) for a 1.0 pg/mg spiked blended hair sample. B) MRM chromatograms showing quantifier MRM transitions for a control (0 pg/mg) hair samples (upper traces) and carboxy-THC spiked (0.2 pg/mg) samples (lower traces) for a blended and a blond hair sample.
Comparison between the fragmentation patterns obtained using the Xevo TQD (left panel) and the Xevo TQ-S micro (right panel) for propoxyphene in the Bio-Rad S10 Liquichek Urine Toxicology Quality Control reference urine.
Chromatogram showing benzodiazepines in the ACQ DCT -25% commercial reference urine detected by the Xevo TQ-S micro using the supplied targeted MRM method
Chromatography of all compounds on the ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18 Column. The earliest eluting compound is morphine at 0.86 minutes and the latest eluting compound is diazepam at 3.05 minutes

Webinars and Resources

  • Brochure

Waters Forensic Solutions Brochure

Waters Forensic Solutions Brochure


Learn more about Medicolegal Testing.

Learn more about Medicolegal Testing.

Doctor holding Urine sample in laboratory
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