Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe (ASAP)

Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe (ASAP)

Rapid direct analysis of volatile and semi-volatile, solid and liquid samples

Rapid direct analysis of volatile and semi-volatile, solid and liquid samples

The Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe (ASAP) is a useful tool for the rapid direct analysis of volatile and semi-volatile, solid and liquid samples using atmospheric pressure ionization.

The ASAP technique utilizes the heated nitrogen desolvation gas to vaporize the sample and a corona discharge for sample ionization. This allows low polarity compounds not amenable to ESI, APcI and APPI to be ionized with a high degree of sensitivity. Furthermore complex mixtures can be analyzed without the need for any sample preparation.

Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe (ASAP)


Sensitivity and safety by design

The Waters Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe is readily fitted to a standard API source by replacing either the ESI or APCI probe assembly. A corona discharge pin also requires fitting. The close proximity of the sample, when loaded onto a glass capillary tube, to the point of ionization and the MS inlet, improves sensitivity while also ensuring safety due to the enclosed source housing.
Instruments are operated in combined Electrospray/APcI mode (ESCi). This provides for the acquisition of both analyte data in APcI mode and reference data in electrospray mode, enabling exact mass measurements to be produced.

The probe is designed to have both fixed and removable sections to allow rapid sample introduction without removal of the complete assembly ensuring stable source conditions.

Equipment and installation

The Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe accessory comprises the probe body with removable sample insertion probe assembly, corona pin, glass sample capillaries, and operator's guide. Additional software (included) is also required for selected instruments.

There are two versions of probe, depending on the design of the instrument's API source assembly.

The probes are user-installable. However engineer installation and operation confirmation and training is available and recommended.

Instrument compatibility

The Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe is compatible and supported with the following instruments:

  • SQ Detector 2/Xevo TQD
  • Xevo TQ MS, Xevo TQ-S, Xevo TQ-S micro
  • Xevo G2 Tof, Xevo G2-S Tof, Xevo G2-XS Tof
  • Xevo G2 QTof, Xevo G2-S QTof, Xevo G2-XS QTof




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A robust and sensitive tandem quadrupole MS with compact design, featuring robust performance with a wide dynamic range and high rates of data acquisition.

The SQ Detector 2 is an advanced benchtop single quadrupole mass detector designed for high performance LC-MS applications. With a wide range of ionization options including APPI and ASAP, the SQ Detector is ideally suited to qual/quan applications.

The Xevo TQD Tandem, commonly known as Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer is designed for routine quantitative UPLC-MS/MS applications, so you can confidently quantify and confirm trace components in the most complex of samples.

A benchtop QTof mass spectrometer incorporating the XS Collision Cell for enhanced sensitivity and selectivity, resulting in the highest quality, most comprehensive qualitative information together with the ultimate in quantitative performance.

The Xevo TQ-S provides high sensitivity for quantitative applications, with patented StepWave technology, to accurately quantify components at low levels in the most complex samples.

The only way to access multiple dimensions of resolution for the highest levels of separation, specificity and confidence in analysis. A uniquely powerful and versatile platform for imaging, life science research and chemical material characterization.

Routine high resolution MALDI MS/MS performance and unparalleled analytical versatility for a wide range of applications - from imaging and life science research to characterization of chemical materials.

SYNAPT G2-Si MS provides the most uncompromising High Resolution UPLC-MS/MS performance, with the greatest versatility and upgrade option to access 3 dimensions of resolution for the ultimate in discovery power.