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The single vendor solution for routine quantitative LC-MS/MS applications

The single vendor solution for routine quantitative LC-MS/MS applications

Confidently quantifying and confirming challenging samples in the clinical environment isn’t an easy task, but it’s critical for your lab’s success.

With the Waters ACQUITY UPLC I-Class/Xevo TQD IVD System, you can ensure confidence in your sample quantitation and identification while accelerating development of sensitive and robust methods that reduce complexity and improve ease of use.

The rugged, robust and reliable Xevo TQD is a solid performer for clinical analyses from Waters, the single vendor solution for routine quantitative LC-MS/MS applications. With the ACQUITY UPLC I-Class/Xevo TQD IVD System, your lab can maximize accessibility to the sensitivity, selectivity and robustness your need for maximum productivity with minimum effort.

Waters ACQUITY UPLC I-Class Xevo TQD IVD System. ACQUITY UPLC I-Class/Xevo TQD IVD System


  • Accelerate method development for sensitive and robust methods
  • Reduce complexity and increase ease of use
  • Maximize throughput and uptime through unparalleled robustness
  • Future-proof for the innovations of tomorrow with a wide range of ionization capabilities today
  • Access the selectivity, sensitivity, and versatility of LC-MS/MS analysis not seen using traditional techniques
  • Meet international quality standards for medical devices

Recommended Use: For routine quantification of low-concentration analytes and improving application selectivity.

Increase uptime through unparalleled robustness

With the ACQUITY UPLC I-Class/Xevo TQD IVD System, your lab can run rapid, round-the-clock analysis in a routine clinical environment with a reliable, robust system capable of delivering the same result every time.

Maximize throughput without compromising quality

In a conventional tandem mass spectrometer, rapid acquisition of MS/MS data leads to loss in sensitivity and crosstalk. Using a T-Wave collision cell, your lab can maintain sensitivity – even at high data acquisition rates.

Accurate quantitation of the narrow peak widths typical of ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) (2 to 3 s) demands fast acquisition speeds to ensure data quality targets are achieved. With the T-Wave collision cell, you can fully leverage the benefits of UPLC chromatographic speed and resolution, whether you are analyzing one compound or more per method. This helps your clinical lab capitalize on one of the most important features of mass spectrometry in the clinical lab – the ability to multiplex analyses.




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Provide better patient care by enhancing workflow efficiencies, improving specificity, and implementing new diagnostic tests with our LC-MS/MS IVD systems, without compromising compliance, flexibility, and performance.

Waters unlocks the potential of science providing our customers with innovative clinical diagnostic solutions and scientific knowledge in areas that will enhance the lives of patients around the world.

From a wide range of sample preparation and automation products to our MassTrak Solutions product line, Waters has what you need to achieve better results from your LC-MS/MS workflow.

Trust your data with our range of informatics solutions with enhanced security, sample tracking and accurate result reporting with minimal data manipulation.