LC Upgrades

LC Upgrades

Improve analytical capabilities and increase instrument productivity and lifetime with Waters LC instrument upgrades and trade in programs to access the latest technologies.

Improve analytical capabilities and increase instrument productivity and lifetime with Waters LC instrument upgrades and trade in programs to access the latest technologies.
IFWRC Singapore Government Lab ACQUITY UPLC I-Class System

Waters provides you with a range of LC instrument upgrades that give you access to the latest technologies. Upgrades improve your instrument’s control and data acquisition functions, increase its productivity, and extend its lifetime. 

Implement the latest pump head technology onto your ACQUITY UPLC BSM and take advantage of the stainless-steel pump head advancements and the inherent robustness that comes along with this unique technology.

Designed for ACQUITY UPLC, ACQUITY UPLC H-Class, and ACQUITY UPLC H-Class Bio systems to tolerate pure Hexane and THF, allowing a wider range of applications to be adapted to UPLC technology, increasing productivity, and ensuring quality results.

Enhance the stability of your samples and achieve consistent results by upgrading your 2707 Autosampler with a Cooler Module.
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