Edwards XDS Dry Vacuum Scroll Pump Conversion

Edwards XDS Dry Vacuum Scroll Pump Conversion

Alternative to the standard oil-sealed rotary vacuum pump

Alternative to the standard oil-sealed rotary vacuum pump

The Edwards XDS series Dry Vacuum Scroll Pump Conversion provides a clean, dry, and lubricant-free vacuum. This environmentally superior alternative to the standard oil-sealed rotary vacuum pump results from the pump bearings being located away from the main vacuum envelope.

Scroll pumps are user serviceable and oil free providing the additional benefits of:

  • Reduced risk of MS contamination
  • Removal of need for compliance with environmental regulations when disposing of used oil

You’ll enjoy the same instrument and vacuum performance, including the ability to pump vapors and small quantities of condensed liquids. All scroll pumps are equipped with a three-position gas ballast selector for this purpose.

Edwards XDS35i Dry Vacuum Scroll Pump. Edwards XDS Dry Vacuum Scroll Pump Conversion


Instrument compatibility

The Dry Vacuum Scroll Pump Conversion Kit is suitable for use with the following MS instruments:

  • Xevo TQ MS
  • Xevo G2 Tof  and Xevo G2 QTof

In all cases, the conversion kit will replace the present rotary pump configuration used for roughing the API source/transfer housings and backing the fine vacuum turbomolecular pumping system.

Equipment and installation

All conversion kits include an Edwards XDS35i Scroll Pump, replacement vacuum hoses, and fittings.

The new vacuum systems require installation and performance confirmation by a Waters Field Service Engineer.




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