SEC Columns
Size-based separations of peptides, proteins, nucleic acids, LNPs, and viral vectors
Get unmatched batch-to-batch reproducibility with the wide range of Waters Size-Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) Columns and standards for protein and peptide characterization.
SEC is a powerful technique for aggregate and fragment analysis in the research, development, and manufacturing of biotherapeutic proteins, such as insulin and monoclonal antibodies (mAb). With SEC, also known as gel filtration, you can separate proteins based on their size (hydrodynamic radii versus absolute molecular weight) in solution, with larger sized species eluting before smaller proteins.
The pore size and volume of the SEC particles used in the packed column drives this isocratic based technique, so the column you choose matters. As the molecular weight of the proteins of interest increases, SEC columns with comparatively larger pore size particles are selected.
MaxPeak Premier SEC Columns for protein analysis
Improve SEC results on any LC system with minimal method development.

- Gain efficiency with this “platform based” method for proteins ranging from 10,000 to 650,000 Daltons, leveraging MaxPeak Premier Technology coupled with BEH-PEO Particle Technology
- Minimize non-desired secondary interactions for improved separation reproducibility and results with Ethylene Bridged Hybrid (BEH) SEC particles
- Ensure reliable column-to-column and batch-to-batch performance with columns quality control tested with relevant peptide, protein, and mAb samples
- Achieve reliable high throughput analysis on UPLC systems with our 1.7 µm particle size offering and reproducible separations on any HPLC, UHPLC, or UPLC system to address different application needs with 2.5 µm
- Extend analytical column life and lower cost per analyses with SEC Guards
- Confirm on-site SEC column and LC system performance with available BEH125, BEH200, BEH450, and mAb Size Variant Standards
- Manufactured in a cGMP, ISO 9001 certified plant using stringent manufacturing protocols and ultra-pure reagents
Recommended Use: For size-based peptide, protein, and viral vector analyses.
System Dispersion Specifications for Column Recommendations
ACQUITY Premier Protein SEC 250 Å Guards and Columns
ACQUITY UPLC Protein BEH SEC 125 Å, 200 Å, and 450 Å Guards and Columns
1.7 µm guards and columns for low dispersion UPLC systems
XBridge Premier Protein SEC 250 Å Guards and Columns
XBridge Protein BEH SEC 125 Å, 200 Å, and 450 Å Guards and Columns
BioResolve mAb SEC Guards and Columns
2.5 µm guards and columns for UHPLC systems
XBridge Protein BEH SEC 125 Å, 200 Å, and 450 Å Guards and Columns
XBridge Premier Protein SEC 250 Å Guards and Columns
BioResolve mAb SEC Guards and Columns
BioSuite SEC Guards and Columns
3.5 µm guards and columns for HPLC systems
GTxResolve SEC Columns
2.5 µm particle size columns for UHPLC and UPLC separations
Lower secondary interactions and lower noise suitable for platform methods
Low adsorption hardware necessary for analysis of biologics samples
450 Å pore size with up to 50% higher resolving power reducing need for sample consumption, resulting in faster analyses
Explore GTxResolve SEC Columns
3 µm columns for UHPLC and UPLC separations
1000 Å columns with high efficiency for aggregate analysis of GTx drugs with diameter of 80-200 nm
Low secondary interaction & improved compatibility with universally applied detector, such as MALS
Low adsorption hardware necessary for analysis of biologics samples
Explore GTxResolve SEC Columns
Protein SEC Columns
Sub-2-μm particle columns for UPLC separations
250 Å pore size
High throughput & resolution SEC separations of biomolecules ranging from 10,000 to 650,000 Daltons on low dispersion UPLC Systems
Available SEC Guard Columns to extend analytical SEC Column life
Significantly reduce non-desired ionic and hydrophobic secondary interaction for desired SEC platform methods with MaxPeak Premier Technology and BEH-PEO SEC particle technology
2.5 μm particle columns for HPLC and UHPLC separations
250 Å pore size
High resolution SEC separations of biomolecules ranging from 10,000 to 650,000 Daltons on any LC system
Available SEC Guard Columns to extend analytical SEC Column life
Significantly reduce non-desired ionic and hydrophobic secondary interaction for desired SEC platform methods with MaxPeak Premier Technology and BEH-PEO SEC particle technology
Specifically designed and QC tested with NIST-based, mAb Size Variant Standard to help ensure batch-to-batch consistency
2.5 μm particle columns for UPLC, UHPLC, and HPLC separations
200 Å pore size
Obtain reproducible, accurate quantitation of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), associated high molecular weight aggregates (>300,000 Da), and lower molecular weight fragments (e.g., <100,000 Da)
Each packed column is tested with NIST-based, mAb size variant standard to help ensure batch-to-batch and column-to-column performance consistency
Sub-2-μm particle columns for UPLC separations (2.5 μm for 450 Å)
Pore size options include: 125 Å, 200 Å, and 450 Å
Available SEC Guard Columns to extend analytical SEC Column life
Specifically designed and QC tested with BEH125, BEH200, or BEH450 protein standards to help ensure batch-to-batch consistency
10x faster than traditional HPLC-based SEC
2.5 μm particle columns for use on any UPLC, UHPLC, or HPLC system
Pore size options include: 125 Å, 200 Å, and 450 Å
Available SEC Guard Columns to extend analytical SEC Column life
Specifically designed and QC tested with BEH125, BEH200, or BEH450 protein standards to help ensure batch-to-batch consistency
Explore XBridge Protein BEH SEC Columns
Peptide SEC Columns
Silica-based diol SEC columns
Molecular weight exclusion limits are determined primarily by the selected pore size
Available in analytical and semi-preparative column sizes
Explore BioSuite SEC Columns
Based on a 10 μm diol-bonded silica
Resolve proteins that differ in molecular weight by a factor of two
Distinguish proteins differing by as little as 15% in molecular weight
Explore Protein-Pak SEC Columns
Choose the right SEC Column for your lab
SEC is ideal for aggregate and fragment analysis in the research, development, and manufacturing of biotherapeutic peptides, proteins, and viral vectors, but choosing the right column for your analysis is important. Use the following criteria to choose a column that provides reliable, high quality SEC analyses of various biomolecules, including insulin, monoclonal antibodies, and adeno associated viruses (AAVs).
What to consider when choosing an SEC Column:
What is the molecular weight of your sample?
What is the dispersion of your LC system?
Are you separating components <2 fold difference in molecular weight (MW)?
Are you separating components >2 fold difference in MW?
Addressing the complexity of SEC Separations
Experience the advancements in SEC-based technologies to address non-desired specific ionic and hydrophobic interactions for more reliable results with ACQUITY Premier Protein SEC and XBridge Premier Protein SEC Columns and Guards.
With MaxPeak Premier SEC Columns, you can:
Reproducibly resolve injected sample components that are less than 2x different in size for challenging applications
Use a ‘platform SEC method’ to reduce method development time and cost
Ensure batch-to-batch and column-to-column performance