Waters PAH Columns

Waters PAH Columns

Improved Analysis of PAH Compounds

Improved Analysis of PAH Compounds

Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are among the most frequently monitored environmental contaminants. Standard and official methods for the analysis of PAHs are found in compendia for air, drinking water, wastewater, solid waste, and food analysis. Many of these methods specify HPLC, usually with UV and fluorescence detection, as the recommended analytical procedure. Waters PAH columns are optimized for the HPLC analysis of PAHs. These columns achieve baseline resolution and excellent peak symmetry for 16 different target analytes in less than 25 minutes, while employing a simple water/acetonitrile binary gradient method. The resolving power of the PAH columns provides superior peak shape identification and quantitation for PAHs. They come in seven different dimensions (including a capillary format) and two particle sizes.

Waters PAH Columns optimized for HPLC analysis of Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Waters PAH Columns








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