Oasis WAX for PFAS Analysis
Extraction and concentration without the low background contamination
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a growing environmental concern. Now your lab can extract and concentrate PFAS without worrying about low background contamination through the power of Oasis SPE for PFAS Analysis, a comprehensive quality-control pre-screening test for 32 PFAS.
Oasis WAX for PFAS Analysis is a mixed-mode, Weak Anion-eXchange, reversed-phase, water-wettable polymer that delivers unmatched purity, consistency, and quality for sample analysis in drinking water, ground water, soil, food, and other complex matrices. With growing regulatory concerns for PFAS contamination in complex sample matrices, Oasis WAX/GCB for PFAS Analysis can be used for non-potable water samples, and Oasis GCB/WAX for PFAS Analysis for solids, biosolids, and tissue sample enrichment, providing an additional level of graphitized carbon black clean-up as described in EPA Draft Method 1633. Designed specifically for environmental testing laboratories, these solid-phase extraction products enable you to perform low level quantification of ubiquitous PFAS in environmental samples.
Claim your free sample for our new Oasis dual-PFASe cartridges
Available in the U.S. only, while supplies last.

Enable PFAS extraction and concentration without the concern of background contamination
Benefit from a comprehensive quality control (QC) pre-screening test for 32 PFAS
- Achieve reproducible results with solutions designed specifically for environmental and food testing laboratories
- Reduce manual GCB steps in workflows with dual-phase WAX/GCB and GCB/WAX providing time savings, ease of use, and less mess
Recommended Use: To perform low level quantification of ubiquitous PFAS in environmental samples.
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Robust recovery and reproducibility
Designed specifically for environmental testing laboratories, Oasis WAX for PFAS Analysis enables your lab to perform low-level quantification of ubiquitous PFAS in environmental samples where recovery and reproducibility are required.
Pre-screen for 32 PFAS
Oasis WAX for PFAS Analysis enables your lab to extract and concentrate PFAS without the risk of cross contamination through a comprehensive quality-control, pre-screening test for 32 PFAS. Oasis WAX for PFAS Analysis ensures assured results through application-specific, quality-control testing, reducing the risk of false positive results from a critical step in the workflow.