Maintenance & Repair Services for Agilent Systems
Quality services for Agilent systems
Maximizing your time in the lab is easier than ever before with access to robust, cost-efficient, and high-quality services for your Agilent systems.
Waters offers a complete suite of compliance, maintenance, and repair services for select1 Agilent HPLC, UHPLC, and GC systems controlled by Empower Software.
Faster, more robust instrument qualification
Automated qualification of Empower Software
Best-in-class, expert technical knowledge for quick resolution of system issues
Remote, proactive support to maximize instrument availability and minimize downtime cost
Recommended Use: For compliance, maintenance, and repair services for select1 Agilent HPLC, UHPLC, and GC systems controlled by Empower Software.
1Contact Waters for additional information.
Save with a convenient, single service provider
With Waters Services, you’ll get a single, convenient point of contact for the maintenance, repair, and qualification of both your Waters and Agilent systems. This eliminates the need for multiple service visits and reduces service administration costs — saving you money.
Ensure full regulatory compliance
Leverage the power of your Empower Software for cost-effective, full regulatory compliance of your Agilent LC and GC systems. Add Waters Compliance Services to your support plan to achieve and maintain the regulatory compliance of your instruments and software.
Waters Compliance Services2 include access to: Waters Certified Field Service Specialists; remote technical support with no phone calls and unlimited, on-demand hardware service visits (including travel, labor, and parts); hardware and software telephone support; and annual on-site maintenance visits.
2Coverage varies depending on the options selected.
Increase support quality with the Waters team
Waters Certified Field Service Specialists are the most knowledgeable, trained, and experienced service technicians in the industry. The Field Service Specialists are supported by dedicated teams of in-house experts and senior application scientists who help address any system challenge.