SKU: 176002534
Beverage Analysis Kit

Beverage Analysis Kit | 176002534

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Product Description

The Beverage Analysis kit is a comprehensive, easy-to-use kit for rapid quantitation of 6 commonly used additives (acesulfame-K, saccharin, caffeine, benzoate, sorbate, and aspartame) in soft drink formulations. The kit contains sufficient reagents for 1 month of typical analysis usage.




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Beverage Analysis Kit

Waters provides options that are easily incorporated into current manufacturing quality assurance programs. This guarantees that the market only receives beverages of the highest quality and consistency, resulting in the best possible customer experience and bolstering high-value brands.

Waters provides straightforward, simple-to-use solutions that are intended to boost laboratory productivity, enhance data quality, reduce costs, and improve product consistency in order to meet the unique needs of beverage makers.

The Beverage Analysis kit is a comprehensive, easy-to-use kit for rapid quantitation of 6 commonly used additives (acesulfame-K, saccharin, caffeine, benzoate, sorbate, and aspartame) in soft drink formulations. The lab equipment contains sufficient reagents for 1 month of typical analysis usage. The Waters Beverage Analysis Kit is made up of the following parts:

  1. Beverage Analysis Mobile Phase—Four 1-liter bottles contain a pre-mixed solution of denatured ethanol and acetate buffer (p/n 186006006). Circulate one liter of mobile phase through the system for one week, then replace with one liter of fresh mobile phase.

  2. Beverage Analysis Wash Solvent—Four 1-liter bottles contain a pre-mixed solution of denatured ethanol and water (p/n 186006007). Circulate one liter of wash solvent as the wash on the system for one week, then replace with one liter of fresh wash solvent.

  3. Beverage Analysis Standards—Four 50 mg bottles of Aspartame powder (p/n 86006010) and Four 100 mL bottles of 5 beverage analysis standards (p/n 186006008) Caffeine 100 mg/L Benzoate 200 mg/L, Sorbate 100 mg/L, Acesulfame-K 150 mg/L, and Saccharin 100 mg/L.

Shorten the time that analysts spend preparing and reduce lab-to-lab or analyst-to-analyte variability. Mobile phase, wash solvent, and standards are already prepared in the lab equipment listed here. It contains eco-friendly cleaning agents (ethanol-based) that have low toxicity and inexpensive disposal. Shop for lab equipment directly from us using our online store.

You may also want to explore the ACQUITY UPLC BEH Phenyl Column, 130Å, 1.7 µm, 2.1 mm X 100 mm, 1/pk.

How Should The Beverage Analysis Kit Be Stored?

Beverage Analysis Mobile Phase should be kept indefinitely at room temperature. Before using, let the Beverage Analysis Standard in Direct Use Vials reach room temperature. Every week, create a new standard answer. Put the aspartame bottle in the fridge.