ProteinWorks eXpress Digest Start-up Kit

SKU: 176003696
ProteinWorks eXpress Digest Start-up Kit

ProteinWorks eXpress Digest Start-up Kit | 176003696

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Product Description

"The ProteinWorks eXpress Digest Start-up Kit simplifies and accelerates the direct digestion of immunopurified plasma & serum samples for LC-MS protein quantification via the surrogate peptide approach. The kit includes pre-measured, lot-traceable reagents, a flexible 96-tube sample collection module, and optimized protocols, offering scientists a standardized, proven route to fast, accurate and precise protein quantification for protein bioanalysis. The ProteinWorks eXpress Digest Start-up Kit contains the eXpress Digest Kit, the ProteinWorks µElution SPE Clean-up Kit, and a murine mAb standard: (96) Denaturant* Cluster Tubes, Cap Mat & Rack for low protein content samples (~0.2 - 1.0 mg total protein per sample) (12) 8-Strip Caps for Cluster tubes (1) Digestion Buffer (1) Trypsin Dissolving Agent (1) Digestion Inactivation Agent (3) Reduction Agent vials. Each vial is enough for 32 samples (3) Alkylation Agent vials. Each vial is enough for 32 samples (1) Trypsin for low protein content samples (~0.2 - 1.0 mg total protein per sample) (1) Intact mAb Mass Check Standard (p/n: 186006552) (1) ProteinWorks µElution SPE Clean-Up Kit (p/n: 186008304) *The denaturant is RapiGest™ SF, an enzyme friendly detergent used to denature proteins prior to digestion. For more information on RapiGest SF, see 720000468en."


  • Number of Analysis


  • Type

    Sample Preparation Workflow

  • Packages per kit


  • Separation Mode


  • Detection Method


  • Storage Condition

    Refer to the storage recommendations of each sub-package

  • System Type


  • Shelf Life

    Refer to the storage recommendations of each sub-package



  • Application

    Peptide, Protein

  • Brand


  • Product Type

    Application Kits

  • Units per Package

    1 pk

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ProteinWorks eXpress Digest Start-up Kit

ProteinWorks™ Sample Preparation Kits, in conjunction with strong and dependable LC-MS methodologies and technology, enable discovery and early development laboratories to achieve consistent, reproducible, and sensitive protein quantification using the surrogate peptide methodology. The eXpress Digest Kit, the ProteinWorks uElution SPE Clean-up Kit, and a murine mAb standard are all included in the ProteinWorks™ eXpress Digest Start-up Kit.

The ProteinWorks eXpress Direct Digest Kit is a kit-based approach with single-digit intra-kit and inter-kit reproducibility across a wide range of monoclonal antibodies. ProteinWorks kits serve to assure laboratory and data consistency by using a validated, standardized, kit-based technique that is easily deployable from analyst to analyst and lab to lab. ProteinWorks eXpress Digest Kits streamline and standardize the normally difficult pre-analytic procedure for LC/MS protein quantification using the surrogate peptide technique. The ProteinWorks Elution SPE Kit is designed to remove excess digest reagents, phospholipids, and other plasma and serum components after digestion, increasing assay sensitivity and system resilience.

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You might also be interested in the HILIC QC Reference Material, which was created to serve as a starting point for this type of separation. It's a four-component mixture made up of an unretained void marker, a polar neutral compound, and two polar basic compounds that were created specifically as a batch test standard for ACQUITY UPLC BEH HILIC columns. The shelf life of the HILIC QC Reference Material is 12 months, and it may be conveniently stored in your lab at 4 degrees Celsius.

How Should I Respond If My Chromatography Alters?

The two most frequent causes of chromatographic changes are that the solution is causing the column to deteriorate or that something has become stuck in the column and needs to be washed away. You can help prevent degradation by carefully monitoring and altering the pH and pressure of the fluid in the system using a silica column. To remove bonded organics, we recommend washing with solvents of the same polarity as the column. It is important to remember that a high-concentration salt washout would eliminate the vast majority of contaminants from the ion-exchange columns.