SCX Start Up Kit: BioResolve SCX mAb Column plus mAb Standard plus pH Concentrates

SKU: 176004356
SCX Start Up Kit: BioResolve SCX mAb Column (2.1 mm x 100 mm) with mAb Standard plus pH Concentrates

SCX Start Up Kit: BioResolve SCX mAb Column | 2.1 x 100mm | 176004356

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Product Description

BioResolve SCX mAb, 3 μm, corrosion–resistant columns which contain non-porous, polymer-based particles grafted with a rigorously-optimized, multi-component network of negatively charged sulfonic acid ligands. This innovative column technology, delivers reproducible, high-resolution, charged-based separations of mAbs and other proteins in both LC and LC-MS applications using robust salt or pH gradient methods.  This startup kit also includes one vial of the mAb Charge Variant Standard (P/N 186009065), one bottle of the BioResolve CX pH Concentrate A (pH 5.0) and one bottle of the BioResolve CX pH Concentrate B (pH 10.2), and  two of the Certified LDPE 1000 mL Containers designed for use with Water BioResolve CX Buffer Concentrates.


  • pH Range Min

    3 pH

  • Bonding Technology


  • Particle Shape


  • QC Tested


  • Format


  • System


  • Inner Diameter

    2.1 mm

  • Length

    100 mm

  • eCord




  • Application


  • Brand


  • Product Type


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SCX Start Up Kit: BioResolve SCX mAb Column (2.1 mm x 100 mm) with mAb Standard plus pH Concentrates

The strong cation-exchange chromatographic analysis of monoclonal antibodies often gives scientists the kind of visibility they want from mAb separations, and the SCX Start Up Kit is here to make these analyses even easier. This all-in-one strong cation-exchange kit includes two BioResolve SCX mAb Columns for your mAb separations, one bottle each of BioResolve CX pH Concentrates A and B and two Certified LDPE 1000 mL Containers for use with the concentrates. What’s more, this kit also comes with the mAb Charge Variant Standard that can be used to verify LC-MS system and instrument performance for strong-cation exchange chromatography. This kit truly has everything you need to be successful in the lab with your mAb analysis assays. Tell your lab manager today that you want the SCX Start Up Kit added to your lab’s procurement list.

It’s incredibly important to verify LC-MS system and instrument performance before moving forward with mAb analyses. That’s why we’ve included the mAb Charge Variant Standard in this kit free of charge. This helpful LC-MS standard can help you benchmark charge variant chromatography when using BioResolve SCX mAb Columns, plus it contains a unique mix of intact proteins relevant to biopharma customers. It’s also worth noting that this standard is used to test each batch of BioResolve SCX mAb Column material.

How does the BioResolve SCX mAb Column achieve such great performance for the separation of mAbs?
For one, it incorporates a group of non-porous, polymeric particles that improve performance. But what’s more, these particles are then grafted onto a network of negatively charged sulfonic acid ligands to enhance selectivity and overall performance. Each BioResolve SCX mAb Column must undergo strict QC testing before being delivered to your lab, as we want to ensure you only receive the best-performing mAb columns right out of the box.

Protecting your BioResolve SCX mAb Column from contaminants should always be a top priority. Proper sample purification protocols should be followed to remove the majority of contaminants, but what about the contaminants that may be lingering in the mobile phase stream?
Add the BioResolve SCX mAb VanGuard FIT Cartridge to your workflow to better protect your column from contamination and data from variability.

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What’s the SCX Start Up Kit Designed to Help With?

The SCX Start Up Kit is designed to help with the reproducible, high-resolution, charged-based separations of monoclonal antibodies.