SKU: 186001346
Atlantis dC18 Column, 100Å, 5 µm, 4.6 mm X 250 mm, 1/pk

Atlantis dC18 Columns | 186001346

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Product Description

Atlantis dC18 columns are universal, silica-based, reversed-phase C18 columns that are used for polar compound retention. The Atlantis dC18 columns feature di-functionally bonded C18 ligands that have been optimized for use with highly aqueous mobile phases, including 100% water.


  • Chemistry


  • Separation Mode

    Reversed Phase

  • Particle Substrate


  • pH Range Min

    3 pH

  • pH Range Max

    7 pH

  • Maximum Pressure

    6000 psi (415 Bar)

  • Endcapped


  • Bonding Technology


  • Silanol Activity


  • Particle Shape


  • Particle Size

    5 µm

  • Endfitting Type


  • Pore Size

    100 Å

  • Format


  • Surface Area


  • System


  • USP Classification


  • Inner Diameter

    4.6 mm

  • Length

    250 mm

  • Carbon Load

    12 %



  • Brand


  • Product Type


  • Units per Package

    1 pk

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Atlantis dC18 Column, 100Å, 5 µm, 4.6 mm X 250 mm, 1/pk

When Waters sought to create a unique stationary phase material to offer the perfect balance of reversed-phase retention of polar and non-polar compounds, we spent two years perfecting the Atlantis dC18 column. These columns exhibit superior retention of polar compounds when compared to conventional reversed-phase columns, without the excessive retention of hydrophobic compounds. Stationary phase physical attributes like en-dcapping, silica pore size, bonded phase ligand density, and ligand type were all studied and optimized in order to achieve superior peak shape, low pH stability, resistance to dewetting, and enhanced polar compound retention.

Atlantis dC18 Columns are fully LC/MS-compatible, universal C18 columns that are compatible with highly aqueous mobile phases, including up to 100% pure water, while providing enhanced low pH stability. In addition, a difunctional silane bonding chemistry has been incorporated into the column, allowing for excellent stability under acidic mobile phase conditions. Scientists see more consistent retention times and longer column lifetimes as a result of the highly stable stationary phase. Column lifetime can be extended even further using an Atlantis Silica dC18 VanGuard Cartridge, 100Å, 5 µm, 3.9 mm X 5 mm, 3/pk.

Unlike conventional high coverage c18 columns, the Atlantis dC18 Columns are fully end-capped, avoiding the tailing and extreme retention for amine-containing bases observed in unend-capped stationary phases.

All Atlantis dC18 Columns are manufactured using ultrapure reagents in order to control the chemical composition and purity of the final product. Manufacturing is then completed in cGMP, ISO 9001:200 certified plants, with each step conducted under narrow tolerances and specifications. Every column undergoes individual testing along with bath analysis for performance and reproducibility.

How Should I Store Atlantis dC18 Columns?

When storing for periods of longer than four days, columns should be stored in 100% acetonitrile. Columns should not be stored in buffered eluents. If your mobile phase contained a buffer salt, flush the column with 10 column volumes of HPLC grade water, then replace with 100% acetonitrile for storage. Failure to perform this intermediate step may result in precipitation of the buffer salt in the column when 100% acetonitrile is introduced. Note that if a column has been run with a formate-containing mobile phase and is flushed to remove the buffer, slightly longer equilibration times may be required after the column is re-installed.