SKU: 186003747
Atlantis T3 Column, 100Å, 5 µm, 4.6 mm X 150 mm, 1/pk

Atlantis T3 Columns | 186003747

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Product Description

Atlantis T3 columns are universal, silica-based, reversed-phase C18 columns that provide balanced retention of polar and hydrophobic molecules and should be your first choice when developing separations of polar and non-polar compounds.


  • Chemistry


  • Separation Mode

    Reversed Phase

  • Particle Substrate


  • pH Range Min

    2 pH

  • pH Range Max

    8 pH

  • Maximum Pressure

    6000 psi (415 Bar)

  • Endcapped


  • Bonding Technology


  • Silanol Activity


  • Particle Shape


  • Particle Size

    5 µm

  • Endfitting Type


  • Pore Size

    100 Å

  • Format


  • Surface Area


  • System


  • USP Classification


  • Inner Diameter

    4.6 mm

  • Length

    150 mm

  • Carbon Load

    14 %



  • Brand


  • Product Type


  • Units per Package

    1 pk

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Atlantis T3 Column, 100Å, 5 µm, 4.6 mm X 150 mm, 1/pk

A leader in the industry, Atlantis T3 Columns provide exceptional performance, versatility, retention, and chromatographic stability for polar compounds and afford balanced retention for broad analyte mixtures. This innovative lab equipment allows for a solution to the chromatographic challenge of retaining polar compounds through reversed-phase chromatography. Atlantis T3 columns not only provide balanced retention of both polar and hydrophobic molecules, but selective optimization of pore diameter, C18 ligand density, and end-capping, all while offering superior peak shape and efficiency for all analytes. Chemical stability can also be achieved across a wide pH range.

Atlantis T3 Columns use a bonding technology that is applicable across HPLC and UPLC technology platforms. The advanced T3 bonding process uses a trifunctional C18 alkyl phase, bonded at a ligand phase that promotes polar compound retention and aqueous mobile phase compatibility. This is accompanied by a proprietary T3 end-capping process which is much more effective than traditional trimethyl silane (TMS) end-capping solutions. The unique combination of bonding and end-capping provides superior polar compound retention and aqueous compatibility while enhancing column performance, lifetime, peak shape, and stability. Lifetime can be further extended using the Atlantis T3 Column, 100Å, 5 µm, 4.6 mm X 150 mm, 1/pk.

In addition to the superior results in separations of polar compounds, the Atlantis T3 Column is also able to be used as a universal alternative to traditional C18 reversed-phase LC columns. The good retention of, and selectivity for, neutral, hydrophobic compounds and analytes, in addition to superior performance over a wide pH range, makes these columns a serious contender for a universal solution.

How Do Atlantis T3 Columns Perform At pH 7?

At pH 7, poor peak shape for amine-containing bases and shortened column lifetimes are common challenges that come up when using intermediate ligand density C18 columns that have been traditionally designed for polar compound retention. Poor peak shape can also occur because of secondary interactions. With the proprietary T3 endcapping procedure, there is an interaction with active silanols that dramatically improves peak shape for bases. Another challenge at pH 7 has been shortened column lifetimes due to the dissolution of the silica particle substrate by the high pH mobile phase. The more effective and efficient T3 bonding helps to “protect” the silica substrate from dissolution, providing extended column lifetimes.