Chemistry |
C18 |
Separation Mode |
Reversed Phase |
Particle Substrate |
Hybrid |
pH Range Min |
1 pH |
pH Range Max |
12 pH |
Maximum Pressure |
18000 psi (1240 Bar) |
Endcapped |
Yes |
Silanol Activity |
Low |
Particle Shape |
Spherical |
Particle Size |
2.5 µm |
Endfitting Type |
Parker-style |
Pore Size |
130 Å |
Format |
Column |
Surface Area |
185 |
System |
Particle Technology |
USP Classification |
L1 |
Inner Diameter |
3 mm |
Length |
50 mm |
Carbon Load |
18 % |
eCord |
Yes |
41115709 |
Brand |
XBridge |
Product Type |
Columns |
Units per Package |
1 pk |
XBridge BEH C18 XP Column, 130Å, 2.5 µm, 3 mm X 50 mm, 1/pk
Whether your goal is to create quality control methods or to develop leading-edge LC-MS assays, XBridge columns have been designed with the primary goal of maximizing your productivity. A focus on improved pH stability, enhanced column reliability, and maximum particle efficiency make XBridge BEH C18 Columns a reliable and popular choice among chromatographers. Designed to have superior pH stability over the widest pH range (1-12), high efficiencies, and symmetrical peak shape, XBridge columns are the benchmark for LC method ruggedness and longevity.
As an eXtended Performance (XP) 2.5 µm Column, the XBridge BEH C18 XP Column offers exceptional separation performance, robustness, and throughput for HPLC assays, while also being fully compatible with all HPLC, UHPLC, and UPLC technology platforms. This allows for higher throughput, lower backpressure, and improved productivity among separations.
Ethylene Bridged Hybrid (BEH) technology has allowed for the creation of particles that ensure extreme column performance and long column lifetime under harsh operating conditions, and the BEH particle was made to improve the performance of base particles overall. Lifetimes can be further extended using an XBridge BEH C18 XP VanGuard Cartridge, 130Å, 2.5 µm, 2.1 mm X 5 mm, 3/pk.
XBridge Columns are the universal family of HPLC columns, made to eliminate the compromises of sorbent selection and deliver flexibility to work under any mobile phase, temperature, and pH conditions needed to achieve desired separations. Using a simple and effective reversed-phase method development approach, the XBridge BEH C18 XP Column can be used with two mobile-phase pHs and two organic solvents. This innovative lab equipment and optimized approach save time, effort, and expense for laboratories.
How Should I Store XBridge BEH C18 XP Columns After Reversed-Phase Use?
For periods exceeding four days, the column should be stored in 100% acetonitrile. When separations utilize elevated temperatures, they should be stored immediately after use in 100% acetonitrile. Columns should never be stored in buffered eluents. If the mobile phase contained a buffer salt, flush the column with 10 column volumes of HPLC grade water, then 10 column volumes of acetonitrile. Failure to perform this step could lead to precipitation of the buffer salt in the column when 100% acetonitrile is introduced. Completely seal columns to avoid solvent evaporation and drying out of the chromatographic bed.