Prep Guard Cartridge 30 mm x 10 mm

SKU: 186006892
XBridge BEH C18 Prep Guard Cartridge, 130Å, 10 µm, 30 mm X 10 mm, 1/pk

XBridge BEH C18 Prep Guard Cartridge | 186006892

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Product Description

30x10mm Prep Guard Cartridge together with the 30x10mm Prep Guard Holder (part number 186006912) is designed to protect both HPLC and SFC 30 mm ID Prep OBD™ columns. Placing this guard assembly ahead of the prep column will provide longer column lifetimes and reduce purification costs.


  • Chemistry


  • Separation Mode

    Reversed Phase

  • Particle Substrate


  • pH Range Min

    1 pH

  • pH Range Max

    12 pH

  • Temperature Limits

    80 C (Low pH)/60 C (High pH)

  • Maximum Pressure

    6000 psi (415 Bar)

  • Endcapped


  • Silanol Activity


  • Particle Shape


  • Particle Size

    10 µm

  • Pore Size

    130 Å

  • Format

    Prep Guard Cartridge

  • Surface Area


  • System

    HPLC Preparative

  • Particle Technology


  • Technique

    LC, LC/MS

  • USP Classification


  • Inner Diameter

    30 mm

  • Length

    10 mm

  • Carbon Load

    18 %



  • Brand


  • Product Type


  • Units per Package

    1 pk

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XBridge BEH C18 Prep Guard Cartridge, 130Å, 10 µm, 30 mm X 10 mm, 1/pk

All analytical columns, VanGuards, Prep Guard columns, and cartridges are made by Waters with the exact same chemistry and particle size that is matched between the injector and main columns. For use with the Waters UPLC columns for reversed-phase liquid chromatography, the XBridge BEH C18 Prep Guard Cartridge was specially created. The VanGuard Cartridge is a standalone component that may be fastened directly to the intake side of a Waters XBridge UPLC Column, thanks to its unique design.

The BEH C18 Prep Guard Cartridge from XBridge is simple to install and practical to use. It guarantees the safety of your XBridge BEH C18 Column from harmful impurities. The laboratory apparatus boosts and improves the analytical performance of the column by filtering out any chemical and particle contaminants that may exist in the mobile phase stream.

By coupling them to the XBridge BEH C18 Prep Guard Cartridge, you can extend the lifespan of your XBridge BEH C18 analytical columns without sacrificing their chromatographic analytical performance. While eliminating chemical and particle impurities from the columns, the Cartridge preserves the UPLC, UHPLC, and HPLC separation efficiency of the columns.

In order to safeguard your system and main column without sacrificing or altering the analytical resolution, it is crucial to deploy a high-performance matching prep guard column. The Waters XBridge BEH C18 Prep Guard Cartridge will continuously deliver excellent quality and the desirable results needed for liquid chromatography, so you can rely on it. These columns are made in specialized, cutting-edge Waters facilities, much like all of their equipment. The toughest cGMP, ISO 9001 standards are followed by all water manufacturing facilities. For your peace of mind, the production process is meticulously tracked and supervised, ensuring that the lab equipment you use is of the finest caliber.

You can shop for lab equipment from the website, as well as contact a member of our staff at one of our many offices across the world with any questions or concerns. You may also want to explore TruView LCMS Certified Clear Glass 12 x 32 mm Screw Neck Vial, with Cap and Preslit PTFE/Silicone Septum, 2 mL Volume, 100/pk; LCMS TruView Certified vials are created using strictly regulated manufacturing and handling practices. Mass spectrometers are used to check for cleanliness, and ACQUITY/MS/MS is used to check for low analyte adsorption.

What Role Does Resolution Play in Chromatography?

Resolution measures can be utilized for improving separations because the resolution is a function of peak width and retention time, both of which are innate characteristics of the chromatographic process.