SKU: 186008263
XBridge BEH Amide OBD Prep Column, 130Å, 5 µm, 10 mm X 250 mm, 1/pk

XBridge BEH Amide OBD Prep Column | 186008263

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Product Description

XBridge BEH Amide columns retain extremely polar compounds, including carbohydrates and sugars. XBridge Amide columns offer you a chemically stable, trifunctionally bonded amide phase that is stable from pH 2 to 11 to enable the separation of polar analytes spanning a wide range of polarity, structural moiety and pKa.


  • Chemistry


  • Separation Mode

    Hydrophilic Interaction (HILIC)

  • Particle Substrate


  • pH Range Min

    2 pH

  • pH Range Max

    11 pH

  • Temperature Limits

    90 C

  • Maximum Pressure

    6000 psi (415 Bar)

  • Endcapped


  • Silanol Activity


  • Particle Shape


  • Particle Size

    5 µm

  • Endfitting Type


  • Pore Size

    130 Å

  • Format

    OBD Prep Column

  • Surface Area


  • System

    HPLC Preparative

  • Particle Technology


  • Technique

    LC, LC/MS

  • USP Classification


  • Inner Diameter

    10 mm

  • Length

    250 mm

  • Carbon Load

    12 %



  • Brand


  • Product Type

    Preparative Columns

  • Units per Package

    1 pk

Hazaradous Material This product contains hazardous material which requires special freight handling. Additional charges may apply.

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XBridge BEH Amide OBD Prep Column, 130Å, 5 µm, 10 mm X 250 mm, 1/pk

Using the XBridge BEH Amide OBD Prep Column, you can achieve lab-scale separations for higher throughput in a faster, more efficient way. Increase efficiency by using Optimum Bed Density (OBD) preparative columns while being able to directly scale from UPLC or HPLC screening to lab-scale purification, which allows you to increase productivity when scaling up screening processes. In addition to this, the XBridge BEH Amide OBD Prep Column's packing process and design are Waters-patented, allowing for consistent density profiles across the column. There are no voids since there is no overcompression or non-uniform disturbance during the capping process.

Retain very polar molecules, such as carbohydrates and sugars, with the XBridge BEH Amide OBD Prep Column. To enable the separation of polar analytes covering a wide range of polarity, structural moiety, and pKa, you can use the lab equipment's chemically stable, trifunctionally bound amide phase that is stable throughout a large pH range.

When it is compared to columns with ordinary packing materials, the XBridge BEH Amide OBD Prep Column exhibits extremely little retention loss or peak shape deterioration, allowing for outstanding column longevity without sterically impeding the stationary phase. The employment of proprietary bonding processes in the XBridge packing and end-capping allows this to happen. At low pH, it leads to ligand stability and chromatographic repeatability.

The XBridge BEH Amide OBD Prep Column is built to give you the same performance day after day, making it a dependable piece of equipment that can deliver one of the most important factors in method reliability: repeatable column performance. In addition to this, the XBridge BEH Amide OBD Prep Column's combination of BEH particle synthesis with improved bonding and end-capping technology makes it extremely robust under high pH circumstances, making it a highly sought-after piece of lab equipment.

The XBridge BEH Amide XP Column is the lab equipment you need in your lab if you need to transfer techniques from HPLC to UPLC and from UPLC to HPLC. It allows for easy and convenient transfer. The product listed here is built to resist pressures up to 6,000 psi (415 bar) while still giving great results.

Invest in the XBridge BEH Amide Prep Guard Cartridge, 130Å, 5 µm, 10 mm X 10 mm, 1/pk.

What pH Range Is Applicable To The XBridge BEH Amide OBD Prep Column?

The XBridge BEH Amide OBD Prep Column listed here works across the 2-11 pH range.