Line drawing of a sample collection plate, a bottle, filters, and cartridges

SKU: WAT200610
Sep-Pak PS2 6 cc Cartridge, 500 mg sorbent per cartridge, 80 µm, 30/pk

Sep-Pak PS2 6 cc Cartridge | WAT200610

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Product Description

Styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer packed in a Sep-Pak Vac Cartridge. This Cartridge is ideal for use in EPA method 537 for determination of selected perfluorinated alkyl acids in drinking water by Solid Phase Extraction.




  • Brand


  • Product Type

    Solid Phase Extraction

  • Units per Package

    30 pk

  • Chemistry


  • Format

    Vac Cartridge

  • Mode

    Reversed Phase

  • Particle Size

    80 µm

  • Sorbent Substrate


  • Sorbent Weight

    500 mg

  • Water Wettable


  • pH Range Min

    0 pH

  • pH Range Max

    14 pH

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Sep-Pak PS2 6 cc Cartridge, 500 mg sorbent per cartridge, 80 µm, 30/pk

Add the Waters Sep-Pak PS2 6 cc Cartridge to your lab equipment collection as it contains the packing of the styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer. This Cartridge is ideal for use in EPA method 537 for the determination of selected perfluorinated alkyl acids in drinking water by Solid Phase Extraction.

The EPA 537 approach is used by many laboratories that analyze perfluorinated alkyl compounds (PFAS) in drinking water. In 2018, the approach was upgraded to add new PFAS to the list of compounds that it covers. For solid-phase extraction of drinking water samples, EPA 537.1 specifies the use of a Styrene-divinylbenzene (SDVB) substrate. The sample extraction stage can now be changed in the technique. As a result, the SPE chemical employed must produce acceptable results when used in accordance with the technique.

The Sep-Pak PS2 6 cc Cartridge is equipped with the best quality packings that have been specifically designed and manufactured for sample processing. The packings are clean, dry, and activity and capacity are repeatable. The Sep-Pak PS2 6 cc Cartridge's packing also provides excellent surface area, pore size, and particle size distributions.

Like all lab equipment that is produced and manufactured by Waters, the Sep-Pak PS2 6 cc Cartridge is manufactured to the highest standards and undergoes extensive testing to ensure that you receive the quality products that are promised from Waters.

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We recommend that you also learn more about the PFAS Solution Installation Kit with Sep-Pak PS-2 Kit 3. The lab equipment includes everything you will need to reduce the amount of PFAS-containing components in your system. With an isolator column and stainless-steel coil loop, it also provides a one-of-a-kind method for separating any remaining system-introduced PFAS pollutants. Everything you will need to get started is included in these kits.

What Is The Minimum And Maximum pH Range Offered By The Sep-Pak PS2 6 cc Cartridge?

The Sep-Pak PS2 6 cc Cartridge listed here offers the widest available pH range, the minimum being 0 and the maximum being 14.