SKU: 186002325
MassPREP Enolase Digestion Standard

MassPREP Enolase Digestion Standards | 186002325

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Product Description

Waters MassPREP™ Enolase digestion standards is prepared by digesting Yeast Enolase (SwissProt P00924) with sequencing grade trypsin. The resulting protein digest contain no undigested standard protein, trypsin, or other hydrophilic components. Each batch of protein digestion standard is prepared under strict quality control criteria. Test results from each batch of digestion standard are contained on an included Certificate of Analysis report. MassPREP™ Protein Digestion Standards are useful in a variety of applications that include performance evaluation of HPLC columns, high performance liquid chromatography, and mass spectrometry instrumentation used for the analysis of this class of compounds.


  • Separation Mode

    Reversed Phase

  • Detection Method

    MS, UV

  • Formulation


  • Storage Condition

    Room Temperature

  • System Type

    LC, LCMS

  • Shelf Life

    60 Months

  • Shelf life upon reconstitution

    1 Week

  • Shipping Condition


  • Type




  • Application

    Peptide, System Performance

  • Brand


  • Product Type


  • Units per Package

    1 pk

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MassPREP Enolase Digestion Standard

Invest in the Waters MassPREP Enolase Digestion Standard as it is useful in a variety of applications that include performance evaluation of HPLC columns, high-performance liquid chromatography, and mass spectrometry instrumentation used for the analysis of this class of compounds.

The Waters MassPREP Enolase Digestion Standard is prepared by digesting Yeast Enolase (SwissProt P00924) with sequencing grade trypsin. The protein digest resulting from this process contains no undigested standard protein, trypsin, or other hydrophilic components. To ensure that you only receive the highest quality standards for your lab, each batch of protein digestion standards is prepared under strict quality control criteria. Test results from each batch of digestion standards are contained on a Certificate of Analysis report, which is included in the packaging of the standard. As the world’s leading manufacturers of lab equipment, we understand that the reagents and standards that you use in your analysis will have a significant impact on the end result and the final product of your analysis. This is why we invest in research and development to produce the highest quality and broadest range of standards and reagents.

We recommend that you also explore the TruView LCMS Certified Clear Glass 12 x 32 mm Screw Neck Vial, with Cap and Preslit PTFE/Silicone Septum, 2 mL Volume, 100/pk, which is designed to overcome the issue of analyte adsorption on the surface of glass vials which causes a sample stored in these vials for extended periods of time to ultimately lead to total analyte loss because of the glass surface. The TruView glass vial uses a proprietary manufacturing process to minimize adsorption.

Waters also recommends that benchmark performance should be conducted routinely after calibration is done. Anytime a column is changed, a method is changed, or the instrument is moved, you should confirm the system’s performance.

How Can The MassPREP Enolase Digestion Standard Be Stored and Kept Stabled?

The MassPREP Enolase Digestion Standard is delivered as a lyophilized powder that is stable at room temperature until the expiration date printed on the label. Once reconstituted in high purity water or in 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid in water, the solution is stable for one week when it is stored at 8°C. You can extend the stability of the MassPREP Enolase Digestion Standard by freezing its samples at -20°C.