SKU: 186002328
MassPREP ADH Digestion Standard

MassPREP ADH Digestion Standard | 186002328

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Product Description

Waters MassPREP™ ADH digestion standard is prepared by digesting Yeast Alcohol Dehydrogenase (ADH, SwissProt P00330) with sequencing grade trypsin. The resulting protein digest contains no undigested standard protein, trypsin, or other hydrophilic components. Each batch of protein digestion standard is prepared under strict quality control criteria. Test results from each batch of digestion standard are contained on an included Certificate of Analysis report. MassPREP™ Protein Digestion Standards are useful in a variety of applications that include performance evaluation of HPLC columns, high performance liquid chromatography, and mass spectrometry instrumentation used for the analysis of this class of compounds.


  • Separation Mode

    Reversed Phase

  • Detection Method

    MS, UV

  • Formulation


  • Storage Condition

    Room Temperature

  • System Type

    LC, LCMS

  • Shelf Life

    60 Months

  • Shelf life upon reconstitution

    1 Week

  • Shipping Condition


  • Type




  • Application

    Peptide, System Performance

  • Brand


  • Product Type


  • Units per Package

    1 pk

Product Support



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MassPREP ADH Digestion Standard

The MassPREP Protein Digestion Standards can be used to evaluate the performance of HPLC columns, high-performance liquid chromatography, and mass spectrometry equipment used to study this class of compounds. Yeast Alcohol Dehydrogenase (ADH, SwissProt P00330), which is used to make Waters MassPREPTM ADH, is digested using sequencing-grade trypsin. No standard protein, trypsin, or other hydrophilic substances are present in the finished protein digest.

Every protein digestion standard batch is made in accordance with stringent quality control standards. The Certificate of Analysis report that is included contains the test results for each batch of the digestion standard. The performance evaluation of HPLC columns, high-performance liquid chromatography, and mass spectrometry equipment used for the analysis of this class of substances are just a few of the uses for MassPREPTM Protein Digestion Standards.

Before employing a column and LC system to examine priceless materials, Waters offers a number of carefully crafted, quality-control-approved peptide standards that may be used to assess the system's effectiveness. The shelf life of the MassPREP Peptide Standard Mixtures is up to 36 months, and they should be kept at room temperature.

Please browse through our catalog or website to learn more about the other lab equipment made by Waters. From there, you can shop for lab equipment you require. You can contact a member of our international client support service team directly from our website if you need assistance with any general questions, suggestions, or worries you may have.

You may also want to check out the LCMS Certified Clear Glass 12 x 32 mm Screw Neck Vial, with Cap and Preslit PTFE/Silicone Septum, 2 mL Volume, 100/pk. Each and every Waters LCMS Certified vial is made using strictly regulated manufacturing and handling techniques. They are examined using mass spectrometers, and a certificate of analysis displaying the reference and vial scan for the production batch is supplied with them.

Why Does Chromatography's Sensitivity Matter?

Sensitivity, which can be represented by the slope of a linear calibration curve, is the signal output per unit concentration or mass of a material in the mobile phase entering the detector. For concentration-sensitive detectors, sensitivity is also the relationship between peak height and analyte concentration in the peak. Peak height to unit mass is the ratio in mass-flow sensitive detectors. Sensitivity must solely depend on the chemical measurement procedure and not on scale variables in order to constitute a distinct performance attribute. Many technical and chemical parameters influence an analyte's susceptibility to detection (that is, qualification) or measurement (that is, quantification).