SKU: 186004135
MassPREP Oligonucleotide Standard

MassPREP Oligonucleotide Standard | 186004135

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Product Description

The prepackaged MassPREP™ Oligonucleotide Separation Technology (OST) Standard is designed for verification of HPLC/UPLC instrument and column performance for analysis of synthetic oligonucleotides. Approximately equimolar amounts of 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 nucleotide (nt) long oligodeoxythymidines are lyophilized and packaged in 1.5 ml LC vials. The shipped vial is vacuum-sealed in foil pouches to reduce degradation that can occur by excessive exposure to light and air. Approximately 1 nmole of each oligonucleotide is present in the vial. It is recommended that this standard be used on a regular basis for benchmarking column and system performance, similar to the QCRM product line.


  • Separation Mode

    Reversed Phase

  • Detection Method


  • Formulation


  • Storage Condition

    Room Temperature

  • System Type


  • Shelf Life

    24 Months

  • Shelf life upon reconstitution

    1 Week

  • Shipping Condition


  • Type




  • Application

    Oligonucleotide, Gene Therapeutics

  • Brand


  • Product Type


  • Units per Package

    1 pk

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MassPREP Oligonucleotide Standard

For the analysis of synthetic oligonucleotides, the preconfigured MassPREP™ Oligonucleotide Separation Technology (OST) Standard is intended to verify the performance of the HPLC/UPLC apparatus and column. The 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 nucleotides (nt) long oligo-deoxythymidine are lyophilized and packaged in 1.5 ml LC vials in almost equimolar concentrations. The vacuum-sealed foil bags used to export the vial help prevent degradation from being brought on by prolonged exposure to light and air. The vial contains approximately 1 n-mole of each oligonucleotide. Similar to the QCRM product line, it is advised that this standard be utilized frequently for testing column and system performance.

Before employing a column and LC system to examine priceless materials, Waters offers a number of carefully crafted, quality-control approved peptide standards that may be used to assess the system's effectiveness. The shelf life of the MassPREP Oligonucleotide Standards is up to 36 months, and they should be kept at room temperature. The purpose of the Waters MassPREP Oligonucleotide Standard is to evaluate the separation capabilities of HPLC/UPLC systems and columns. Using this specific MassPREP Oligonucleotide Standard, the performance of both columns and the LC system may be evaluated in order to choose between the Waters XBridge OST C18 HPLC and the ACQUITY UPLC OST C18 UPLC.

It is advised that the MassPREP Oligonucleotide Standard be stored at room temperature in the foil pouch (in the dark). The MassPrep OST Standard solution is stable for one week when kept at 4 degrees after being reconstituted in the proper solvents. By putting the samples in a -20 degree freezer, stability can be prolonged. We highly recommend looking through our catalog or browsing our website if you'd want to shop for lab equipment based on your needs. You will be able to assess all of Waters' offerings, as well as consult with a global client representative about any issues or queries you might have.

You might also want to look at Neutrals QC Reference Material since it can be used with any chromatographic system equipped with a UV detector. As a benchmarking standard for systems, it is intended to be used. The combination only contains compounds that are neutral. When utilized regularly and with control charts, the QC Reference Material will increase your confidence in your results, reduce the need for troubleshooting and reruns, and enable you to compare results from various laboratories. This reference material can be utilized with a variety of separation procedures.

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