Designed alongside the BioResolve SCX columns, these 10X buffer concentrate A and B are carefully optimized for use in creating a pH 5.0 to pH 10.2 gradient for mAb charge variant separations. The pH of BioResolve CX pH Concentrate B is pH 10.2
Type |
Mobile Phase |
12161700 |
Application |
Protein |
Product Type |
Standards |
Units per Package |
1 pk |
BioResolve CX pH Concentrate B
While ion-exchange chromatography with an increasing salt concentration gradient is commonly used for charge variant profiling of mAb-based therapeutics, it frequently necessitates method optimization for each individual sample. In comparison, using a more universal pH gradient has the potential to be applicable to a wide range of samples. The BioResolve CX pH Concentrates make high-resolution separations with BioResolve SCX mAb, 3 m Columns easier. Together, the two technologies offer a robust and user-friendly pH gradient-based method for charge variant analysis of various mAb species. Each carefully formulated concentrate set was created so that users could quickly prepare mobile phases with controlled pH and ionic strength for robust cation-exchange separations.
Even though the BioResolve CX pH Concentrates have undergone rigorous quality control testing and careful design, it might be interesting to conduct online pH/conductivity measurements. It is recommended to use a GE Healthcare Life Sciences Monitor pH/C-900 Online pH/Conductivity Monitor for this and to follow the product reference's guidelines. It is recommended that the employed IEX system, including the LC instrument, column, and mobile phases, be checked on a regular basis.
These 10X buffer concentrates A and B are designed to work with the BioResolve SCX columns to create a pH 5.0 to pH 10.2 gradient for mAb charge variant separations. BioResolve CX pH Concentrate B has a pH of 10.2. You can browse our shop for lab equipment based on your laboratory requirements by browsing the Waters brochure or visiting our website. You can also contact our global customer support staff via the internet if you have any questions or need help choosing the best product.
You may also be interested in the HILIC QC Reference Material; The HILIC QC Reference Material was created as a starting point for this type of separation. It's a four-component mixture made up of an unretained void marker, a polar neutral compound, and two polar basic compounds that were created specifically as a batch test standard for ACQUITY UPLC BEH HILIC columns. The HILIC QC Reference Material has a shelf life of 12 months and can be easily stored in your lab at 4 degrees Celsius.
What Is The Significance Of Quaternary Amines?
A Quaternary amine is an amine salt in which a nitrogen atom is positively charged and bonded to four groups. Most microbes readily bind to the negatively charged surface of positively charged surface-active agents, also known as cationic surfactants. It is used in a variety of industries as a disinfectant and cleaning agent.