Mass Spectrometry Direct Analysis

Mass Spectrometry Direct Analysis

Waters Direct Analysis technologies combine high performance mass spectrometry with innovative direct sampling tools, minimizing time on sample preparation and delivering clear, precise results.

Waters Direct Analysis technologies combine high performance mass spectrometry with innovative direct sampling tools, minimizing time on sample preparation and delivering clear, precise results.
Blue data concept background

Waters technologies for direct-from-sample analysis provide you with the information you need to quickly and objectively interpret molecular profiles and make confident decisions based on definitive mass spectrometry data. Get the answers you need, when you need them, for a wide-range of applications and molecule types.

The Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe is a useful tool for the rapid direct analysis of volatile and semi-volatile solid and liquid samples using atmospheric pressure ionization.

Obtain chemical information directly from a wide range of surfaces with Desorption Electrospray Ionization (DESI) mass spectrometry imaging with DESI XS.

Streamline the mass spectral imaging workflow with High Definition Imaging (HDI) Software, ideal for imaging experiments on SYNAPT systems and DESI imaging with a single user interface.

For confident and clear molecular visualization, equip your lab with a Waters Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization (MALDI) solution.

LiveID Software enables real-time sample classification using direct analysis mass spectrometry (MS), for informed, real-time decisions.

Improve your drug discovery cycle, expand your client services, and achieve more with the RADIAN ASAP rapid direct analysis system.

REIMS Research System with iKnife Sampling Device is a direct sampling ionization technique that combines with high performance time-of-flight MS for rapid molecular profiling.