2998 Photodiode Array (PDA) Detector

2998 Photodiode Array (PDA) Detector

Ultimate chromatographic sensitivity in photodiode array detection

Ultimate chromatographic sensitivity in photodiode array detection

Adding spectral conformation to your absorbance detection while maintaining high sensitivity and a wide linear dynamic range can be a challenge. The Waters 2998 Photodiode Array (PDA) Detector is designed to do just that while complementing your LC and LC-MS systems. 

The uniquely integrated software and optics innovations of the 2998 PDA Detector deliver no-compromise chromatographic and spectral sensitivity and noise specification as low as 10 μAU. For routine analyses, the 2998 PDA Detector is reliable and easy-to-use, with enhanced software control for simultaneous 2D and 3D operation with either Empower or MassLynx Software – making it the ideal detector for any lab application, from compound identification to method development.

2998 Photodiode Array Detector. 2998 Photodiode Array (PDA) Detector


Wavelength range

190 to 800 nm

Wavelength accuracy

±1 nm (via patented Erbium filter)

Wavelength repeatability

±0.1 nm


1.2 nm



Digital resolution

1.2 nm/pixel

Linearity range

≤5% at 2.0 AU, propylparaben, 257 nm, dry analytical flow cell

Baseline noise

≤10 x 10-6 AU peak to peak, 254 nm, 2 points/s, 1.0 s, 30 s segments, bandwidth 3.6 nm (3-pixel bunch), dry analytical flow cell


≤1.0 x 10-3 AU/hour, 254 nm, 2 points/s, 1.0 s, 30 s segments, bandwidth 3.6 nm (3-pixel bunch), dry analytical flow cell

Sampling rate

Up to 80 points/s

Light source

Deuterium arc lamp

Warranty: 2000 hours or one year (whichever comes first)

Flow cell design

Patented TaperSlit

Path length

10 mm (analytical flow cell)

Flow cell volume

8.4 μL (analytical flow cell)

Pressure limit

1000 psi (analytical flow cell)

Wetted materials

Alliance HPLC/ACQUITY Arc: 316 stainless-steel, fused silica, PEEK, fluoropolymer

ACQUITY Arc Bio: fluoropolymer, fused silica, MP35N, PEEK, titanium


  • Enhanced software control provides flexibility for simultaneous 2D and 3D operation with either Empower or MassLynx Software
  • High-quality spectral resolution by operating at a fixed optical resolution of 1.2 nm
  • Capable of determining spectral homogeneity, yielding confidence in method specificity

Recommended Use: Ideal for spectral conformation in absorbance detection for any lab application, from compound identification to method development.

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Superior linearity

The 2998 PDA Detector offers more than 4.5 orders of linear dynamic range allowing for simultaneous quantification of high-, and low-level components within a single chromatographic separation. Detector sensitivity and spectral resolution can be optimized by adjusting the digital resolution

Reliable co-elution detection

The 2998 PDA Detector combined with Empower software employs powerful capabilities for determining spectral homogeneity, yielding confidence in method specificity. The 2998 PDA Detector is compatible with Empower and MassLynx setup, status monitoring, and diagnostics that are easily accessible through the software’s intuitive console and easy-to-learn interface.

Optical and digital resolution and definitive compound identification

The 2998 PDA Detector operates at a fixed optical resolution of 1.2 nm, providing high-quality spectral resolution. The low detector noise performance allows you to operate at maximum digital resolution and not sacrifice linearity.
Distinguishing between compounds is also critical for your lab. While most PDA detectors can distinguish between compounds possessing comparatively large spectral differences, the 2998 PDA Detector can differentiate between the spectra of closely related compounds.







Providing versatile, dependable performance for analytical labs, the Alliance HPLC family meets the rigorous requirements of routine chromatography and the performance standards of new-product research and method development.
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2998 Photodiode Array (PDA) Detector

The Waters 2998 Photodiode Array (PDA) Detector represents the pinnacle of chromatographic sensitivity and spectral resolution in photodiode array detection, seamlessly integrating with LC and LC-MS systems to elevate your analytical capabilities. Engineered to maintain high sensitivity and an expansive linear dynamic range, this detector facilitates the addition of spectral conformation to absorbance detection tasks without compromise. Its advanced optical and software innovations deliver exceptional noise specification as low as 10 μAU and operate at a fixed optical resolution of 1.2 nm, ensuring high-quality spectral resolution and the ability to distinguish between closely related compounds with precision.

Designed for versatility, the 2998 PDA Detector offers more than 4.5 orders of linear dynamic range, enabling the simultaneous quantification of high- and low-level components within a single chromatographic separation. This feature, coupled with the ability to optimize detector sensitivity and spectral resolution through digital resolution adjustments, makes it an ideal tool for a wide array of lab applications, from compound identification to method development.

Enhanced software control provides flexibility for simultaneous 2D and 3D operation with either Empower or MassLynx Software, ensuring ease of use and reliability for routine analyses. The detector's compatibility with powerful software capabilities for determining spectral homogeneity boosts confidence in method specificity. With a user-friendly interface for setup, status monitoring, and diagnostics, the 2998 PDA Detector is the optimal choice for laboratories seeking to enhance their analytical precision and efficiency.