Quantitative Drugs Methods

Definitive Drug Analysis with LC-MS/MS

Traditionally, drug tests in forensic laboratories involve a two-step process consisting of an immunoassay screen followed by a confirmatory analysis by GC-MS or LC-MS/MS. For some applications, this process can produce a high number of false positives, and more importantly, miss drugs with negative results. For example, most commercial opiate immunoassays do not detect fentanyl or fentanyl analogues. LC-MS/MS analysis saves time and cost by eliminating presumptive immunoassay analysis and provides detection and quantification of all significant drugs present in the sample.

The ACQUITY UPLC I-Class/Xevo TQ-S micro System improves the detection and quantification of the wide variety of drugs and metabolites encountered in forensic laboratories for routine drug testing of urine and oral fluid samples. The wide dynamic range of the system enables the confident detection of highly potent fentanyl compounds at trace levels in addition to more common drugs present to higher concentrations.

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