SFE End-of-Life Notification

SFE End-of-Life Notification

Dear Valued Customer,

Dear Valued Customer,

Thank you for choosing Waters as your Supercritical Fluid Extraction solution provider.

For over 60 years, Waters Corporation has focused on improving human health and well-being through the application of high-value analytical technologies and industry leading scientific expertise. We have continually pioneered chromatography, mass spectrometry and thermal analysis innovations, pursuing every opportunity to deliver benefit to our customers, employees, shareholders and society.

Our current portfolio of supercritical fluid systems provides our customers with scalable configurations, from semi-automated modular systems to fully automated MS-directed systems, including our analytical ACQUITY UPC2 system, our preparative Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC) systems and Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE) systems, all of which utilize supercritical carbon dioxide to replace large volumes of organic solvent, enabling safer, cleaner, and more affordable analyses, fractionations, and extractions.

In order to meet the most common requests from our customers and maximize our resources, we have decided to begin the End-of-Life (EOL) process for all SFE systems as detailed below.

Affected products:

Affected products:

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may pose. To facilitate your transition, tools and resources have been setup to assist in the End-of-Life process.

Please note that all SFE products sold between January 16, 2019 and March 1, 2020 will be fully warranted, and all SFE products will continue to be fully supported by our technical and service teams through December 31, 2025.

Also, please note that this decision does not impact our ACQUITY UPC2 System nor our preparative SFC product line, which will continue to be manufactured and be priority product offerings as part of Waters portfolio.

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