UHPLC Columns

Our focused selection of UHPLC columns highlight the performance advantages modern UHPLC instrumentation. Limiting your column choices limits your ability to fully develop the potential of your analytical laboratory. Waters’ CORTECS and eXtended Performace (XP) Ultra-High Performance LC columns and sorbents provide capability that will surpass your current and future analytical challenges.

CORTECS UHPLC Columns Maximize resolution and peak capacity for LC separations with CORTECS solid-core columns in 1.6 and 2.7 µm across 7 column chemistries.
XBridge Columns Experience XBridge HPLC and UHPLC Columns, ideal for methods development at extreme temperatures and mobile-phase pH. Explore XBridge BEH Column chemistries today.
XSelect Columns Get superior selectivity and peak shape for basic compounds with XSelect HPLC and UHPLC Columns. Discover our CSH and high-strength silica columns. Visit today.
VanGuard Säulenschutz Schützen Sie analytische HPLC-, UHPLC- und UPLC-Säulen mit VanGuard Kartuschen und Vorsäulen vor Schäden durch Partikel und chemische Verunreinigungen.

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