This training is particularly suitable for scientists who are already developing methods or for those who wish to do so. An extensive workflow will be provided which can be used in the method development process and a lot of Tips & Tricks will be discussed. During these days, practical sessions will focus on optimizing the MS as well as setting up the chromatographic method.
The course is suitable for every Waters tandem quadrupole MS user.
The group size is limited (max 6) during this training in order to maximize interaction and so that the customer has an optimal benefit from the training.
Topics Covered
- Short theoretical introduction MS Theory
- Explanation method development process, suggest guidelines
- Practical questions are answered: which additive is best to use, methanol or acetonitrile, which column, which column size, which flow, how to set up gradient, which injection volume, etc.
- What are the pitfalls and how to avoid them
- Practical session: Optimizing tandem quadrupole MS systems
- Practical session: Optimizing chromatography
- Building instrument methods in MassLynx
Who Should Attend
The training is recommended for every Waters LC-MS User.
Experience with LC and/or LC-MS is a plus, as is a basic knowledge of MassLynx software.
Course Notes
The price for this training is 2590 euro.
Contact Information
Voor bijkomende informatie over onze cursussen kan u contact opnemen met Martien van der Meijden
Tel: 03 393 02 10
Cancellation Policy
Waters has the right to cancel a course up to one week before the start of the event due to insufficient interest. In this case, we will make a reservation for you for the next time the training will be scheduled. If you are unable to join for the training after registration, please inform us ASAP. Cancellation policy: If cancel up to one week before the start of the event, an amount to 50% of the course fee will be charged. In the event of a short cancellation or no-show, we will charge the full participation fee.
Onze cursussen vinden plaats van 9h30 tot 17h tenzij anders vermeld.