This is a very useful training for scientists who struggle to solve problems with their LC-MS/MS performance. A combination of theoretical and practical sessions should help you solving issues like low sensitivity, no peaks, drifting internal standard peak areas, peaks in blank, bad peak shapes, high back pressures, poor recoveries (external) QC samples, etc.
The group size is limited (max 6) during this training in order to maximize interaction and so that the customer has an optimal benefit from the training.
Topics Covered
- Peaks in blank
- Decreasing response inter- and intra batch
- Increasing response inter- and intra batch
- Poor reproducibility
- How to cope with ion suppression
- Bad peak shape
- Varying retention times
- Etc
Who Should Attend
The training is recommended for every Waters LC-MS user.
Experience with LC method development is a plus, as is a basic knowledge of MS Theory and MassLynx software.
Contact Information
Voor bijkomende informatie over onze cursussen kan u contact opnemen met Martien van der Meijden
Tel: 03 393 02 10
Cancellation Policy
Waters has the right to cancel a course up to one week before the start of the event due to insufficient interest. In this case, we will make a reservation for you for the next time the training will be scheduled. If you are unable to join for the training after registration, please inform us ASAP. Cancellation policy: If cancel up to one week before the start of the event, an amount to 50% of the course fee will be charged. In the event of a short cancellation or no-show, we will charge the full participation fee.
Onze cursussen vinden plaats van 9h30 tot 17h tenzij anders vermeld.