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Course Number: 750002029

ACQUITY QDa システムについて説明しています。以下の領域がカバーされています:理論、一般的使用、ベストプラクティス、アイソクラティックソルベントマネージャの最適化、Empower 3 FR2 を使用したデータ解析

*Acquity QDa eLearning Track
Course Number: 750002029

This track contains a series of modules for the Acquity QDa system. It covers the following areas: theory, general use, best practices, optimization of the isocratic solvent manager and data processing using Empower 3 FR2.

*Acquity QDa eLearning Track
Course Number: 750002029

This track contains a series of modules for the Acquity QDa system. It covers the following areas: theory, general use, best practices, optimization of the isocratic solvent manager and data processing using Empower 3 FR2.

*Acquity QDa eLearning Track
Course Number: 750002029

This track contains a series of modules for the Acquity QDa system. It covers the following areas: theory, general use, best practices, optimization of the isocratic solvent manager and data processing using Empower 3 FR2.

*ChromaLynx eLearning Track
Course Number: 750002018

This track contains a series of modules that demonstrate how to setup and use the ChromaLynx application manager. It covers the following areas: overview, method setup, data processing/review for both non-targeted and targeted analysis and libraries.

*ChromaLynx eLearning Track
Course Number: 750002018

This track contains a series of modules that demonstrate how to setup and use the ChromaLynx application manager. It covers the following areas: overview, method setup, data processing/review for both non-targeted and targeted analysis and libraries.

*ChromaLynx eLearning Track
Course Number: 750002018

This track contains a series of modules that demonstrate how to setup and use the ChromaLynx application manager. It covers the following areas: overview, method setup, data processing/review for both non-targeted and targeted analysis and libraries.

*Clinical LCMS Application eLearning Track
Course Number: 750002030

This track contains 12 modules that provide information for the clinical LCMS application area. Topics include controlling contamination, fundamentals of LCMS and MassLynx, Intellistart, TargetLynx, and considerations specific to the clinical application...

*Clinical LCMS Application eLearning Track
Course Number: 750002030

This track is focused for customer running clinical applications. It covers the fundamentals of LCMS and MassLynx software. It also includes information regarding the LC and MS system/operation.....

*Clinical LCMS Application eLearning Track
Course Number: 750002030

This track is focused for customer running clinical applications. It covers the fundamentals of LCMS and MassLynx software. It also includes information regarding the LC and MS system/operation. It includes TargetLynx modules for acquisition and proces...

*Complex Mixture Analysis (UPLC/QTOF MS) eLearning Track
Course Number: 750002008

This track contains 12 modules that covers information necessary to perform complex mixture analysis on a UPLC/QTOF MS system. Topics include fundamentals of LCMS, MassLynx fundamentals, Intellistart, Elemental Composition MSe Viewer, Positive and Chroma...

*Complex Mixture Analysis (UPLC/QTOF MS) eLearning Track
Course Number: 750002008

Complex Mixture Analysis (UPLC/QTOF MS) eLearning Track

*Complex Mixture Analysis (UPLC/QTOF MS) eLearning Track
Course Number: 750002008

This track contains a series of modules that covers information necessary to perform complex mixture analysis on a UPLC/QTOF MS system. These modules will discuss the fundamentals of LCMS, MassLynx fundamentals, Intellistart, Elemental Composition and Ch...

*Complex Mixture Analysis (UPLC/Quadrupole MS) eLearning Track
Course Number: 750002007

This track contains 10 modules that covers information necessary to perform complex mixture analysis on a UPLC/Quadrupole MS system. Topics include fundamentals of LCMS, MassLynx fundamentals, Intellistart, Positive and ChromaLynx application manager. I...

*Complex Mixture Analysis (UPLC/Quadrupole MS) eLearning Track
Course Number: 750002007

Complex Mixture Analysis (UPLC/Quadrupole MS) eLearning Track

*Complex Mixture Analysis (UPLC/Quadrupole MS) eLearning Track
Course Number: 750002007

This track contains a series of modules that covers information necessary to perform complex mixture analysis on a UPLC/Quadrupole MS system. These modules will discuss the fundamentals of LCMS, MassLynx fundamentals, Intellistart, and ChromaLynx applica...

*Controlling Contamination in LC and LCMS Systems eLearning Track
Course Number: 750002052

This track contains 2 modules that provide information on best practices for controlling contamination in LC and LCMS systems. Topics include definitions, contamination prevention, solvent considerations, troubleshooting contamination, major contaminants...

*Empower 3 : Basic Empower Custom Fields eLearning Track
Course Number: 750002038

This track contains two modules that cover the creation of basic Empower custom fields. The modules show how to utilize the Empower Custom Field Wizard and configure parameters to optimize the use of these basic fields.

*Empower 3 : Basic Empower Custom Fields eLearning Track
Course Number: 750002038

This track contains two modules that cover the creation of basic Empower custom fields. The modules show how to utilize the Empower Custom Field Wizard and configure parameters to optimize the use of these basic fields.

*Empower 3 : Using Administrative Features for Productivity eLearning Track
Course Number: 750002037

This track contains five modules that cover the administrative features of Empower 3 software. It covers the following areas - Empower administration tools, user management, project management, the project window and nodes and chromatographic systems.

*Empower 3 : Using Administrative Features for Productivity eLearning Track
Course Number: 750002037

This track contains five modules that cover the administrative features of Empower 3 software. It covers the following areas - Empower administration tools, user management, project management, the project window and nodes and chromatographic systems.

*Empower 3 : Using Administrative Features for Productivity eLearning Track
Course Number: 750002037

This track contains five modules that cover the administrative features of Empower 3 software. It covers the following areas - Empower administration tools, user management, project management, the project window and nodes and chromatographic systems.

*Empower 3 FR2 Advanced Topics - Processing eLearning Track
Course Number: 750002032

This track contains 14 modules that cover Empower 3 FR2 Advanced Topics regarding processing methods and processing data. It covers the following areas – Peak Detection & Integration Algorithms, Component information, Impurity processing, creating Groupe...

*Empower 3 FR2 Advanced Topics - Processing eLearning Track
Course Number: 750002032

This track contains 14 modules that cover Empower 3 FR2 Advanced Topics regarding processing methods and processing data. It covers the following areas – Peak Detection & Integration Algorithms, Component information, Impurity processing, creating Groupe....

*Empower 3 FR2 Advanced Topics - Processing eLearning Track
Course Number: 750002032

This track contains 14 modules that cover Empower 3 FR2 Advanced Topics regarding processing methods and processing data. It covers the following areas – Peak Detection & Integration Algorithms, Component information, Impurity processing, creating Groupe...

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