Synthetic Peptide Analysis 

Synthetic Peptide Analysis 

Waters provides leading solutions for lab-scale purification, characterization, and monitoring of synthetic peptides including GLP-1 agonists and cyclic peptides and their impurities across the product lifecycle. Flexible and robust LC-UV and LC-UV/MS workflows meet the analytical needs of modern laboratories, accelerating product development while ensuring peptide drug quality and safety.

Waters provides leading solutions for lab-scale purification, characterization, and monitoring of synthetic peptides including GLP-1 agonists and cyclic peptides and their impurities across the product lifecycle. Flexible and robust LC-UV and LC-UV/MS workflows meet the analytical needs of modern laboratories, accelerating product development while ensuring peptide drug quality and safety.

Peptide Mapping
Peptide Mapping


Synthetic peptides have become one of the fastest growing market sectors in the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries, with greater efficacy, safety, and tolerability than many small molecule drugs. Understanding structure and impurities is key to ensuring critical quality and safety standards are met. With Waters workflow-based solutions for lab-scale purification, characterization, and monitoring of synthetic peptides and their impurities, your lab has the user-friendly tools to improve drug development and manufacture.


With greater efficacy, safety, and tolerability in humans as compared to small molecules, peptides are drawing more attention as potential drug candidates targeting a wide variety of diseases. These application notes showcase workflows for lab-scale purification, characterization, and monitoring of synthetic peptides and their impurities.

With greater efficacy, safety, and tolerability in humans as compared to small molecules, peptides are drawing more attention as potential drug candidates targeting a wide variety of diseases. These application notes showcase workflows for lab-scale purification, characterization, and monitoring of synthetic peptides and their impurities.

Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) agonists, originally developed to target diabetes, have gained significant momentum for weight loss. Regardless of indication, purification, characterization, and monitoring of these molecules is critical to achieve a safe and efficacious therapeutic.

Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) agonists, originally developed to target diabetes, have gained significant momentum for weight loss. Regardless of indication, purification, characterization, and monitoring of these molecules is critical to achieve a safe and efficacious therapeutic.

Purity and target peptide yield are critical factors that influence experimental results. The number of impurities resulting from the synthesis, cleavage, and deprotection of a synthetic peptide may be quite large. The isolation of the peptide product can be improved by applying method development principles often associated with analytical HPLC.

Purity and target peptide yield are critical factors that influence experimental results. The number of impurities resulting from the synthesis, cleavage, and deprotection of a synthetic peptide may be quite large. The isolation of the peptide product can be improved by applying method development principles often associated with analytical HPLC.

Primer: Practical Approaches to Peptide Isolation

Synthetic peptides offer unique challenges in the development of an isolation method. For future studies, purity and target peptide yield are critical factors which influence experimental results. This primer will discuss the principles of peptide isolation along with method development considerations including mass-directed purification.

Synthetic peptides offer unique challenges in the development of an isolation method. For future studies, purity and target peptide yield are critical factors which influence experimental results. This primer will discuss the principles of peptide isolation along with method development considerations including mass-directed purification.

Waters partners with a variety of instrument vendors for the versatility you need for your business.


Waters systems are ideal for the convenient lab-scale purification, characterization, and monitoring of synthetic peptides and their impurities.

Waters systems are ideal for the convenient lab-scale purification, characterization, and monitoring of synthetic peptides and their impurities.

The universal platform for liquid chromatography

The universal platform for liquid chromatography

Combining state-of-the-art column and system technology, MaxPeak Premier Solutions are designed specifically to eliminate the unpredictability of analyte losses due to metal interactions.

  • Synthetic Peptide Analysis
  • Peptide Purification
  • Analysis of GLP-1

Routine biopharmaceutical analysis – accessible and accelerated 

Routine biopharmaceutical analysis – accessible and accelerated 

Make better and faster decisions, maximize organizational efficiency, and directly measure multiple synthetic peptide quality attributes with the BioAccord LC-MS System.

  • Synthetic Peptide Analysis
  • Analysis of GLP-1

Complete coverage for confident characterization

Complete coverage for confident characterization

Maximize sample information for your analytes from detailed characterization to accurate quantitation with the Xevo G3 QTof, which enables complete confidence in your results.

  • Synthetic Peptide Analysis
  • Analysis of GLP-1

Delivering cutting-edge analytical performance

Delivering cutting-edge analytical performance

Obtain ultimate flexibility with the SYNAPT XS Mass Spectrometer that offers greater freedom of analytical choice to support scientific creativity and technical success for any application.

  • Synthetic Peptide Analysis
  • Analysis of GLP-1

Separate beyond question with the power of mass detection

Separate beyond question with the power of mass detection

Monitor peptide drug product quality efficiently and minimize the risk of unexpected components cost-effectively using the ACQUITY QDa II Detector in your workflow.

  • Synthetic Peptide Analysis
  • Peptide Purification
  • Analysis of GLP-1

Designed for the routine, prepared for the unexpected

Designed for the routine, prepared for the unexpected

Obtain simple mass detection ideally suited to qual/quan applications with the SQ Detector 2, an advanced benchtop single quadrupole mass detector designed for high performance LC-MS applications that offers a wide range of ionization options including APPI and ASAP.

  • Synthetic Peptide Analysis
  • Peptide Purification
  • Analysis of GLP-1

Purify your compounds with confidence

Purify your compounds with confidence

Achieve flexible, scalable preparative LC configurations with the specificity of mass-directed purification or inclusiveness of UV detection with Waters Purification Systems.

  • Synthetic Peptide Analysis
  • Peptide Purification
  • Analysis of GLP-1

Waters software can simplify interaction and has the potential to perform advanced experiments in your lab.

Waters software can simplify interaction and has the potential to perform advanced experiments in your lab.

Elevate your chromatography with the universal language of the lab

Elevate your chromatography with the universal language of the lab

Analyze samples and generate meaningful results effortlessly with Waters Empower Software Solutions, the industry-leading easy-to-use chromatography data system that helps you minimize training, eliminate manual labor, and increase productivity.

  • Synthetic Peptide Analysis
  • Analysis of GLP-1

A networked infrastructure from development to QC

A networked infrastructure from development to QC

Generate high resolution mass spectrometry data with waters_connect Software Platform, an app based, compliant-ready environment to manage multiple systems on a single network, enable method sharing and data review, with the scalability to meet your future lab requirements.

  • Synthetic Peptide Analysis
  • Analysis of GLP-1

Resolve your toughest separation challenges with Waters Peptide Columns and Consumables.

Resolve your toughest separation challenges with Waters Peptide Columns and Consumables.

Get superior size-based separations of biotherapeutic synthetic peptides

Get superior size-based separations of biotherapeutic synthetic peptides

Size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) is a powerful technique for important size-based analyses of biotherapeutics peptides (Insulin and GLP-1s). MaxPeak Premier with HPS Technology reduces secondary interactions in SEC for accurate determination of high molecular weight products (HMWPs). Available in 125 Å for denaturing and 250 Å native conditions for GLP-1s.

  • Synthetic Peptide Analysis
  • Analysis of GLP-1

Develop a peptide separation in days vs. weeks

Develop a peptide separation in days vs. weeks

Achieve simple reversed-phase method development for peptides with Waters MaxPeak Premier Peptide Reversed-Phase Column Method Development Screening Kit. The kit includes a step-by-step guidance insert card to obtain a reasonable separation of 80% of your peptide sample mixtures in as little as 3 days. The two MaxPeak Premier Peptide Reversed-Phase Columns and standard were carefully selected as the foundation of a systematic approach to obtain desired component resolution by changing the separation selectivity.

  • Synthetic Peptide Analysis
  • Peptide Purification
  • Analysis of GLP-1

Ultimate peak capacity, wide pH-stability, and increased retention for peptides 

Ultimate peak capacity, wide pH-stability, and increased retention for peptides 

Increase sensitivity for synthetic peptides such as GLP-1’s with MaxPeak Premier Peptide Columns, designed to minimize adsorption of acidic peptides (e.g., deamidated or phosphorylated) in optical and/or mass-based detection methods.

  • Synthetic Peptide Analysis
  • Peptide Purification
  • Analysis of GLP-1

Simplify peptide isolation and purification

Simplify peptide isolation and purification

Scale the optimized separation with Waters Peptide Optimum Bed Density (OBD) Preparative Columns that deliver a stable surface chemistry suitable for most peptides and come in a range of particle sizes to improve the efficiency of your peptide isolation and purification processes and reduce costs. Available in stainless steel and MaxPeak High Performance Surface (HPS) Technology hardware configurations.

  • Synthetic Peptide Analysis
  • Peptide Purification
  • Analysis of GLP-1

Benchmark and validate your peptide columns with ease

Benchmark and validate your peptide columns with ease

Verify your column performance upon receipt and monitor column condition over column lifetime to save valuable research and development time with Waters Peptide Standards.

  • Synthetic Peptide Analysis
  • Analysis of GLP-1

Gain efficiency and walk away time with verified lab automation solutions.

Gain efficiency and walk away time with verified lab automation solutions.

Enhance sample prep efficiency and throughput

Enhance sample prep efficiency and throughput

Streamline sample preparation for LC-MS analyses with verified workflows that help minimize variability, improve traceability, and simplify method transfer.

  • Synthetic Peptide Analysis
  • Analysis of GLP-1

Your success is just a click away

Your success is just a click away

Optimize your laboratory's productivity and success with Waters Global Services to maintain peak system performance, minimize down time, address application challenges, and support stringent compliance requirements.

  • Synthetic Peptide Analysis
  • Peptide Purification
  • Analysis of GLP-1

Make science more accessible with Waters Capital

Make science more accessible with Waters Capital

Maximize resources and minimize risk with payment options from Waters Capital, including upgrading aging equipment, getting customized support, and bundling services into one monthly payment. 

  • Synthetic Peptide Analysis
  • Peptide Purification
  • Analysis of GLP-1

The data speaks for itself

The data speaks for itself
UPLC is used for pilot-scale analysis because it is best able to chromatographically resolve the peak of interest, a 1500 Da synthetic peptide, from its related impurities.
Optimizing the gradient segment for peptide analysis. The synthetic peptide was separated with UPLC at a gradient slope of 3%/column volume over 8% segments beginning at 28, 30, and 33% acetonitrile. Separations were monitored with UV at 214 nm.
Optimized separation of synthetic peptide eledoisin with orthogonal mass detection. 1A) UV detection at 215 nm. Using the MassLynx integration tool, 11 impurity peaks were identified and annotated with their retention time and area. Peaks above 0.2% area are labeled in blue, otherwise in red. 1B) MS detection by ACQUITY QDa Detector.
Synthetic peptide separation of eledoisin from its process-related impurities. 1A) Optical detection of eledoisin with inset showing impurities. 1B) Corresponding QDa data. Inset shows strong visual correlation to optical data.
Representative chromatogram of method performance for both MaxPeak HPS Technology and traditional stainless-steel systems for semaglutide.  MaxPeak HPS Technology provided a 20% increase in peak area and 30% increase in peak height compared to traditional stainless steel column hardware.
Example chromatograms of daptomycin and dalbavancin run on the Arc Premier featuring MaxPeak HPS Technology (trace in black) vs ACQUITY Arc Systems featuring traditional stainless steel (trace in blue). A significant increase in chromatographic peak area and height can be seen on the Arc Premier System in combination with XSelect Premier Peptide CSH C18 columns.

Webinars and Resources

  • Application Notebook

Peptide Separations Analyses of Biotherapeutic Peptides Chapter

Peptide Separations Analyses of Biotherapeutic Peptides Chapter
  • Brochure

Providing Efficient and Reliable Solutions for Synthetic Peptide Purification

Providing Efficient and Reliable Solutions for Synthetic Peptide Purification
  • Poster

Principles and Practice Using SEC for Reliable Biotherapeutic Peptide Analysis

Principles and Practice Using SEC for Reliable Biotherapeutic Peptide Analysis
  • Poster

Characterizing Quality Attributes of GLP-1 Analogs by Light Scattering

Characterizing Quality Attributes of GLP-1 Analogs by Light Scattering
  • On Demand Webinar

Development of Reversed-Phase Methods for the Analysis of Biotherapeutic Synthetic Peptides including GLP-1 Agonists

Development of Reversed-Phase Methods for the Analysis of Biotherapeutic Synthetic Peptides including GLP-1 Agonists
  • User Manuals

XBridge Peptide BEH C18, 130Å and 300Å Columns and XBridge Premier Peptide BEH C18, 130Å Columns Care and Use Manual

XBridge Peptide BEH C18, 130Å and 300Å Columns and XBridge Premier Peptide BEH C18, 130Å Columns Care and Use Manual
  • User Manuals

XSelect Peptide CSH C18, 130Å, 3.5 μm and 5 μm Columns Care and Use Manual

XSelect Peptide CSH C18, 130Å, 3.5 μm and 5 μm Columns Care and Use Manual
  • Wall Chart

Waters Columns, Analytical Standards & Reagents Selection Guide Wall Chart

Waters Columns, Analytical Standards & Reagents Selection Guide Wall Chart


Achieve unmatched resolution of complicated protein digests, exceptional glycopeptide resolution, and shorter analysis times with UPLC separations and optimally selective and resolving peptide separation chemistries.

Learn more about Synthetic Peptide Analysis Solutions.

Learn more about Synthetic Peptide Analysis Solutions.

Peptide Mapping
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