System Considerations 

System Considerations 

Physical parameters make it a practical decision to have an instrument dedicated to purification. Automation, pumps, detector flow cells, injectors, tubing, columns, and fraction collectors all need to be considered when preparing the purification system. Modular systems provide maximum flexibility and are designed to adapt as throughput needs increase.

The level of automation is often based upon the user’s workflow and budget. Generally, startup and university laboratories require low throughput and prefer manual or semi-automated systems, while large pharmaceutical or manufacturing companies often utilize high throughput, automated systems.

Figure 22. Low-pressure mixing systems such as the Waters 2545 Quaternary Gradient Module, with the 2489 UV/Vis Detector and the Fraction Collector for low throughput.
Figure 23. The Waters AutoPurification System with the ACQUITY QDa Mass Detector for high throughput fraction collection with mass detection.

Software and System Control

A small computer which controls the pump flow rate and solvent composition in binary, ternary, and quaternary systems in both isocratic and gradient modes is required. The computer software also records detector and fraction collector outputs. Depending upon the complexity of the software package, it may also be used to perform method development simulations and process data.


The solvent delivery system or pump is at the heart of chromatographic separations. Pumps used for chromatography must deliver a pulse-free, accurate, precise, and reproducible flow rate regardless of solvent compressibility. A purification pump is selected based upon the target flow rate which ranges from 0.5 mL/min for a small scale purification, to 150 mL/min or above for large scale. Pumps can mix solvents under high pressure (binary) or under low pressure (quanternary) conditions.

The binary gradient modules can mix two different solvents that unite in a mixing chamber. This chamber is followed by a damper, a second mixer and a purge valve. The composition of the resulting solvent is defined by the different flow delivered by both solvent channels. High-pressure mixing pumps are less sensitive to dissolved gases in the mobile phase and typically do not require solvent to be degassed.

The result is a pump with a greatly reduced system volume, capable of providing precise and equivalent performance in both analytical and prep scales.

Figure 24. The Waters Binary Gradient Module (BGM) is a high-pressure mixing binary gradient pump capable of both analytical and prep flow rates.

The quaternary pump and can provide a gradient of up to 4 different solvents and uses valves that open for short times. These valves allow small volumes of different solvent to be mixed in the right proportion under low pressure. With this pumping strategy, dissolved gases may separate and form bubbles that may lead to compression, injection, separation, detection problems later in the flow path. Therefore, mobile phases must be degassed. This can be accomplished using in-line degasser, helium sparging or manual vacuum degassing. These pumps provide very accurate and precise solvent proportioning across their specified flow rate range.

Figure 25. The Waters Quaternary Gradient Module (QGM) is a low-pressure mixing quaternary gradient pump capable of achieving prep flow rates across their specified flow rate range.

Sample load

Column I.D.

Fluid handling unit

Max flow rate


3.9–7.8 mm

1525 Binary HPLC Pump*

10 mL/min

µg–10s mg

3.9–19 mm

1525 Binary HPLC Pump* and EF Kit

22.5 mL/min

mg–10s mg

3.9–50 mm

2535 Quaternary Gradient Module

50 mL/min


4.6–50 mm

2545 Binary Gradient Module*

150 mL/min


4.6–50 mm

2545 Quaternary Gradient Module

150 mL/min

mg–10s g

7.8–75 mm

2555 Quaternary Gradient Module

300 mL/min

Figure 26. Waters solvent delivery systems. *High pressure mixing.


Purify micrograms to milligrams of your compounds with Waters flexible analytical to semi-preparative purification solutions.

Get the flexibility of high-throughput parallel runs for selective mass-directed fraction collection with hundreds of samples with Waters AutoPurification HPLC-MS System.

Increase throughput with fully automated UV- or mass-directed semi preparative to preparative-scale SFC purification systems from Waters.

Achieve fast, efficient, lab-scale separations, and greater throughput with Waters Preparative HPLC Columns, which provide predictable performance and easily scale from analytical to prep.
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Achieving a precise and efficient separation of components through the proper introduction of a sample in preparative liquid chromatography requires meticulous steps. Provided below is a comprehensive guide to consider a sample in preparative liquid chromatography:

Preparative Liquid Chromatography (PLC) involves the separation and purification of compounds from a mixture, and designing an effective system requires careful considerations. Waters, a prominent provider of chromatography solutions, emphasizes several key factors for optimizing a preparative liquid chromatography system:

Column Selection:

- Choosing the right column is crucial for achieving the desired separation. Consider factors such as stationary phase chemistry, particle size, and column dimensions based on the properties of the target compounds.

Sample Introduction:

- Decide between automatic and manual injection methods based on factors like throughput requirements, precision, and sample characteristics. Ensure proper preparation and cleanliness for accurate and reproducible injections.

Solvent Delivery System:

- The solvent delivery system, typically involving pumps, is essential for precise control of mobile phase flow. Consider solvent compatibility, flow rates, and gradient capabilities to achieve optimal separations.

Detection System:

- The detector is critical for monitoring and identifying separated compounds. Choose a detector that suits the nature of the samples and provides the required sensitivity. UV, diode array, and mass spectrometry detectors are common options.

Fraction Collection:

- If the goal is to isolate specific compounds, a fraction collector is necessary. Consider features like fraction size, collection efficiency, and automation capabilities for efficient compound recovery.

Automation and Software:

- Implementing automation, including autosamplers and robotic systems, enhances system efficiency. Selecting suitable software for instrument control, data analysis, and system monitoring is equally important.

Tubing and Connectors:

- Proper selection of tubing and connectors is crucial for maintaining system integrity. Consider factors like material compatibility, dimensions, and the potential for sample adsorption.

System Integration:

- Ensuring seamless integration of all components is vital for system performance. Compatibility between different modules and proper communication between components contribute to overall system reliability.

Scale-Up Considerations:

- If intending to scale up from analytical to preparative chromatography, account for the increased sample and solvent volumes. Choose equipment that allows for scalability without sacrificing separation quality.

Maintenance and Support:

- Regular maintenance is essential for sustained system performance. Consider the availability of service and support from the manufacturer to address any technical issues promptly.

By addressing these considerations, a well-designed preparative liquid chromatography system can be tailored to meet specific purification requirements, ensuring efficient and reliable separation of target compounds.