2022 | European Extractables and Leachables Forum | Waters

2022 | European Extractables and Leachables Forum

Migration of chemicals and potentially harmful substances from packaging materials is a major concern for human health. This is applicable to manufacturers and suppliers in the food, water, pharmaceutical industries, medical devices production, as well as for regulatory agencies responsible for consumer safety and health.

Waters is providing a unique opportunity to discuss with leading experts on the latest developments in analytical instrumentation solutions as well as the importance of reliable reference standards for characterizing chemical migrants in packaging.

Attendees will network, build useful relationships, and hear panel discussions presenting scientific perspectives on new MS instrumentation, E&L libraries, and standards.

Register now for this virtual event and share knowledge and challenges with peers and E&L experts.





AGENDA   |   27. Jan 2022

14:00   Welcome and Introduction
Falk-Thilo Ferse, Waters
14:05 Extractables and Leachables/Contact Materials:
The Invaluable Benefit of Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry Libraries
Jens Jacobsen, Waters & Mike McCullagh, Waters 
14:35 Certified Reference Materials for E&L and Food Contact Materials
Rudolf Köhling, Merck KGaA
15:20 5 Min Break    


Breakout Session

- Pharma -

Breakout Session

- Medical Devices -

Breakout Session

- Food Contact Material -

  SFC meets SEC for E&L: New possibilities with an unusual combination
Mijo Stanic, Chromicent
Analytical challenges in achieving chemical characterisation of medical devices
Andrew Feilden, Hall Analytical
The Safety of Recycled Plastics as Food Contact Material
Cristina Nerin, Zaragosa University
16:10 5 Min Break
16:15 Analysis of N-Nitrosamines by SFC-MS/MS and Investigation with a UPLC-TOF Platform for new N-Nitrosamines
Sebastian Schmidtsdorff, Chromicent
Medical Devices: Analytical Approaches for Establishing Biocompatibility and for Process Control
Reto Luginbuehl, Blaser Swisslube
Migration and safety of bio-based materials for food packaging
Fatima Poças, Portuguese Catholic University
17:00 End of the event



 Meet the Speakers:

Dr. Falk-Thilo Ferse, European Business Development Manager, Chemical Materials, Waters Corporation, Germany

Falk-Thilo Ferse has more than 15 years experience in the field of Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry. He had worked at Waters in several sales positions in Germany, before he became trainer in the field of UPLC®. In July 2014 he changed into the marketing and became a European Business Development Manager, where he still works to this day.


Dr. Jens Jacobsen, Waters Corporation, Switzerland

Jens Jacobsen holds a PhD and a MSc in Environmental Chemistry and has more than 20 years of experience in chromatography and mass spectrometry, both from a user and a sales perspective. The last 10 years he has been at Waters focussing mainly on solutions for laboratories in the Food, Environmental and Industrial application area. A Special focus of Jens Jacobsen has always been E&L/Food Contact Materials and its complex analytical challenges. Jens Jacobsen works a sales specialist for Waters AG in Switzerland.



Dr. Rudolf Köhling, Sigma-Aldrich International GmbH (subsidiary of Merck), R&D, Mass Spectrometry Laboratory for Certified Reference Materials, Buchs SG, Switzerland

Dr. Rudolf Köhling studied physical chemistry at the University of Dortmund. He graduated in biophysical chemistry on the research of structural and thermodynamic properties of proteins applying small-angle X-rax / neutron scattering (SAXS/SANS) techniques. After a postdoctoral period at the Institute for Technical Thermodynamics (ITT) of the University of Stuttgart about quantitative NMR analysis of reaction mixtures, he joined the Institute of Legal Medicine (University of Tübungen), where he was responsible for HPLC, LC-MS, HS-GC and GC-MS analysis. Since 2006 he works with the R&D department of Sigma-Aldrich Buchs (CH) – now Merck KGaA - on new products for LC-MS applications and certified reference materials. The laboratory is part of the ISO 17034 accreditation (Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry). 


Mijo Stanic, Chromicent GmbH

Mijo Stanic is Founder, General Manager and Technical Director at Chromicent GmbH in Berlin. He has more than 15 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry and more than 10 years of experience in method development. He is an expert in method development for LC, SFC and Quality by Design.



Sebastian Schmidtsdorff, Chromicent GmbH

Sebastian Schmidtsdorff graduated in 2015 as a pharmacist. He then joined a research fellowship in the Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis and Chemistry at the Free University of Berlin, Germany. In 2017, he moved to Chromicent GmbH in Berlin as a project leader with the main focus in analytical method development and the use of novel chromatographic and analytical techniques. His current topics are the analysis of nitrosamines in pharmaceuticals and excipients as well as the development of applications for the dissemination of SFC technology. Sebastian Schmidtsdorff is also lecturer in pharmacopoeial analysis the Free University of Berlin.


Dr. Andrew Feilden, European E&L Strategic Director at Hall Analytical

Dr. Andrew Feilden is the European E&L Strategic Director at Hall Analytical.  He joined Hall in November 2019.  Where he is a technical expert in the field of E&L testing undertaking Commercial, Operational and technical thought leadership activities. He has presented on the field of extractables and leachables in over 16 countries world wide.  He has written a number of papers and publications and is the inventor of 2 patents.
He has a degree and Dr Phil from the university of York, is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and was a Scientific advisor to IPAC-RS and ex-cochair of ELSIE.


Dr. Reto Luginbuehl, Gloobal Head Service Laboratories, Blaser Swisslube

Reto Luginbuehl studied and promoted in chemistry/biochemistry at the University of Bern before moving to Seattle and working at the University of Washington in the surface analysis of nano- and biomaterials. He joint RMS-Foundation in 2001 and worked for 15 years as head of chemistry and biology focusing on bone and cartilage substitute research. During this time, he was consultant on materials and biocompatibility assessment, and led a European network on device-associated infections.

In 2017, he joined Blaser Swisslube and now is head of the global service laboratories. In addition, he has been lecturing on (bio)materials at the University of Bern for 15 years. 



Prof. Dr. Cristina Nerin, Professor at University of Zaragoza, Department of Analytical Chemistry

Full Professor at the University of Zaragoza (Spain), PhD in Analytical Chemistry, Master in Science (Analytical Chemistry) and Degree in Chemistry at the University of Zaragoza (Spain). Director of the Research Group GUIA at the University of Zaragoza and Director of the Master in Environmental Engineering at the University of Zaragoza from 1990 to 2012. Author of more than 395 Scientific Publications included in the Citation Index, Director of 38 PhD Thesis (5 more are in process). Principal Investigator of more than 240 Research Projects in both Competitive calls and also R&D&I with Industry Inventor in six International Patents dealing with active packaging and in one International Patent on Intelligent Packaging. All of them are in exploitation (market). Six Research Awards received. Participant in more than 140 International Conferences and Professor of several International Courses n Europe, Asia and South-America.

Prof. Dr. Fatima Poças, Professor of Packaging at Biotechnology College the Portuguese Catholic University Porto

BSc Chemical Engineering, MSc in Packaging, PhD in Biotechnology – Food Engineering and Science. Senior Researcher and Prof. (eq.) at Escola de Biotecnologia Universidade Católica Portuguesa at Porto. Coordination of the packaging laboratory since 1990 and Centre for Food Quality and Safety 2013. Development, coordination and teaching food packaging courses at undergraduate and master level since 1992. Works in the field of mass transfer processes applied to safety and quality of packaged food, in particular on chemical hazards and migration, safety of recycling of plastics and bio based materials. She integrated the team of several research projects national and European and led 4 national research projects. Represents Portugal in the European Network of Food Contact Materials Laboratories since 2004 and is member of different EFSA Working Groups since 2012.







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